Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree.
A key to a leaf node in the tree.
Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree.
Implements an efficient circular buffer that can be appended to in both directions.
Holds a lookup datastructure to quickly find objects inside rectangles.
Thread-safe hierarchical bitset.
Implements an efficient circular buffer that can be appended to in both directions.
A tiny slab allocator.
Replacement for System.Span which is compatible with earlier versions of C#.
Index of an RVO agent in the local avoidance simulation.
Agent data for the local avoidance system.
Simulates local avoidance in an ECS context.
An agent's shape represented as a cylinder.
Holds an agent's movement plane.
The movement plane source for an agent.
Component which is enabled when the agent is traversing an off-mesh link, and the built-in movement logic should be disabled.
Holds unmanaged information about an off-mesh link that the agent is currently traversing.
Context with helpers for traversing an off-mesh link.
Thrown when the off-mesh link traversal should be aborted.
Rate manager which runs a system group multiple times if the delta time is higher than desired, but always executes the group at least once per frame.
Policy for how often to recalculate an agent's path.
Wrapper for a pointer.
Holds an agent's destination point.
Utility for efficient random access to entity component data from the main thread.
Helper for EntityAccess.
Utility for efficient random access to entity storage data from the main thread.
Copies MovementControl to ResolvedMovement when no local avoidance is used.
Agent state related to gravity.
Repairs the path of agents.
Holds managed information about an off-mesh link that the agent is currently traversing.
Utility for efficient random access to managed entity component data from the main thread.
Stores a delegate that can be used to override movement control and movement settings for a specific entity.
Helper for adding and removing hooks to the FollowerEntity component.
Settings for agent movement that cannot be put anywhere else.
Desired movement for an agent.
Tag component to indicate that the agent's forward direction is along the Y axis.
The physics scene to use for raycasting.
Checks if paths have been calculated, and updates the agent's paths if they have.
Enabled if the agnet is ready to start traversing an off-mesh link.
Holds the final movement data for an entity.
Tag component to enable movement for an entity.
Tag component to allow the agent to calculate how it wants to move.
Tag component to allow the agent to move according to its desired movement parameters.
Tag component to allow the agent to repair its path and recalculate various statistics.
Tag component to enable syncing between an agent's Transform and the agent entity's position.
Tag component to enable syncing between an agent's Transform and the agent entity's rotation.
Allocates and deallocates nodes in a grid graph.
Calculates the grid connections for all nodes.
Checks if nodes are obstructed by obstacles or not.
Fills the output with true or false depending on if the collider hit was a hit.
Copies 3D arrays with grid data from one shape to another.
Calculates erosion.
Filters out diagonal connections that are not allowed in layered grid graphs.
Calculates if either of the two input hits actually hit something.
Calculates the default node positions for a grid graph.
Calculates for each grid node if it should be walkable or not.
Prepares a set of capsule commands for collision checking in a grid graph.
Prepares a set of raycast commands for a grid graph.
Prepares a set of raycast commands for a grid graph.
Prepares a set of sphere commands for collision checking in a grid graph.
Reads node data from managed GridNodeBase objects into unmanaged arrays.
Moves all nodes to new positions.
Writes node data from unmanaged arrays into managed GridNodeBase objects.
Custom rule for a grid graph.
Container for all rules in a grid graph.
Context for when scanning or updating a graph.
Common interface for all grid graph rule editors.
Applies penalty based on the slope of the surface below the node.
Applies penalty based on the elevation of the node.
Modifies nodes based on the layer of the surface under the node.
Modifies nodes based on the contents of a texture.
Handles collision checking for graphs.
Helpers for iterating over grid graph data.
Callback struct for ForEachCellIn3DArray.
Helper interface for modifying node connections.
Helper interface for modifying nodes.
Callback struct for ForEachCellIn3DSlice.
Callback struct for ForEachCellIn3DSlice.
Builds nodes and tiles and prepares them for pathfinding.
Builds tiles from raw mesh vertices and indices.
Builds tiles from a polygon soup using voxelization.
Calculates node connections between triangles within each tile.
Connects adjacent tiles together.
Connects two adjacent tiles together.
Convert recast region IDs to the tags that should be applied to the nodes.
Builds tiles optimized for pathfinding, from a list of TileMesh.TileMeshUnsafe.
Transforms vertices from voxel coordinates to tile coordinates.
Writes connections to each node in each tile.
Scratch space for building navmesh tiles using voxelization.
CompactVoxelCell used for recast graphs.
Stores a compact voxel field.
CompactVoxelSpan used for recast graphs.
Builds a polygon mesh from a contour set.
VoxelContour used for recast graphs.
VoxelMesh used for recast graphs.
Utility for clipping polygons.
Utility for clipping polygons.
A single tile in a recast or navmesh graph.
Helper for navmesh cut objects.
Stores navmesh cutting related data for a single graph.
Helper methods for scanning a recast graph.
Holds info about a mesh to be rasterized.
Pruning of recast navmesh regions.
Settings for building tile meshes in a recast graph.
A mapping from tiles to the meshes that each tile touches.
Utility class for updating tiles of navmesh/recast graphs.
Represents the position and size of a tile grid for a recast/navmesh graph.
A tile in a navmesh graph.
Unsafe version of TileMesh.
Represents a rectangular group of tiles of a recast graph.
Unsafe representation of a TileMeshes struct.
Implements heuristic optimizations.
Disable the check that prevents jobs from including uninitialized native arrays open for reading.
Convenient collection of items that can be disposed together.
Extension methods for IJob and related interfaces.
result[i] &= data[i]
to[i] = from[i]
Copies hit points and normals.
Treats input as a 3-dimensional array and copies it into the output at the specified position.
Automatic dependency tracking for the Unity Job System.
result[i] = value
Helpers for scheduling simple NativeArray jobs.
Slice of a 3D array.
Implements a PID controller for the angular velocity of an agent following a curve.
Core control loop for the FollowerEntity movement script.
Lightweight Array Pool.
Extension methods for List<T>
Lightweight List Pool.
Lightweight object Pool for IAstarPooledObject.
Lightweight object Pool.
Pools path objects to reduce load on the garbage collector.
Lightweight Stack Pool.
Local avoidance related classes.
Exposes properties of an Agent class.
Calculates if the agent has reached the end of its path and if its blocked from further progress towards it.
Inspired by StarCraft 2's avoidance of locked units.
Inspired by StarCraft 2's avoidance of locked units.
A half-plane defined as the line splitting plane.
RVO Character Controller.
Controls if the agent slows down to a stop if the area around the destination is crowded.
Adds a navmesh as RVO obstacles.
Base class for simple RVO colliders.
Quadtree for quick nearest neighbour search of rvo agents.
Unity front end for an RVO simulator.
Square Obstacle for RVO Simulation.
Local Avoidance Simulator.
Holds internal agent data for the local avoidance simulation.
Holds internal obstacle data for the local avoidance simulation.
Represents a set of obstacles.
Handles low level serialization and deserialization of graph settings and data.
Metadata for all graphs included in serialization.
Holds information passed to custom graph serializers.
Indicates that the full type of the instance will always be serialized.
Helper struct for handling serialization backwards compatibility.
Holds settings for how graphs should be serialized.
A very tiny json deserializer.
A very tiny json serializer.
Synchronization primitives.
Multi-producer-multi-consumer (MPMC) channel.
Allows receiving items from a channel.
A promise that T is being calculated asynchronously.
A simple read/write lock for use with the Unity Job System.
Spin lock which can be used in Burst.
Helper for batching updates to many objects efficiently.
Calculates checksums of byte arrays.
Some editor gui helper methods.
A snapshot of parts of graphs.
Defines a transformation from graph space to world space.
Simple implementation of a GUID.
Used by Pathfinding.Util.BatchedEvents.
Transforms to and from world space to a 2D movement plane.
Generic 3D coordinate transformation.
Various utilities for handling arrays and memory.
Helper class for working with meshes efficiently.
Removes duplicate vertices from the array and updates the triangle array.
Like Pathfinding.Util.GraphTransform, but mutable.
A variant of SimpleMovementPlane that can be passed to burst functions.
Combines hashes into a single hash value.
Interpolates along a sequence of points.
Represents a single point on the polyline represented by the PathInterpolator.
Represents a part of a path, with optional link information.
Prevents code stripping.
Represents the orientation of a plane.
A matrix wrapper which can be used to project points from world space to a movement plane.
A matrix wrapper which can be used to project points from a movement plane to world space.
Compatibility class for Unity APIs that are not available in all Unity versions.
Basic path, finds the shortest path from A to B.
Ending condition which emulates the default one for the ABPath.
Smoothing by dividing path into turns and straight segments.
Constant turning speed.
Type of turn.
Represents a turn in a path.
Abstract turn constructor.
Sets the destination of an AI to the position of a specified object.
Linearly interpolating movement script.
AI for following paths.
Movement script for curved worlds.
Applies penalty to the paths it processes telling other units to avoid choosing the same path.
Stores editor colors.
Stores the navigation graphs for the A* Pathfinding System.
Debugger for the A* Pathfinding Project.
Utility functions for working with numbers and strings.
Contains various spline functions.
Handles update checking for the A* Pathfinding Project.
An item of work that can be executed when graphs are safe to update.
Policy for how often to recalculate an agent's path.
Binary heap implementation.
Item in the heap.
Manager for blocker scripts such as SingleNodeBlocker.
Blocks nodes according to a BlockManager.
Represents a connection to another node.
Finds all nodes within a specified distance from the start.
Added to editors of custom graph types.
Convenience class to access the default implementation of the ITraversalProvider.
Determines how to measure distances to the navmesh.
Updates graphs around the object as it moves.
Updates graphs around the object as it moves.
Helper for creating editors.
Handles fading effects and also some custom GUI functions such as LayerMaskField.
Internal utility class for looking up editor resources.
Target is found when the path is longer than a specified value.
Ending condition which stops a fixed distance from the target point.
Editor helper for hiding and showing a group of GUI elements.
Returns a path heading away from a specified point to avoid.
Calculates paths from everywhere to a single point.
Restrict suitable nodes by if they have been searched by a FloodPath.
Traces a path created with the Pathfinding.FloodPath.
Movement script that uses ECS.
Implements the funnel algorithm as well as various related methods.
Funnel in which the path to the target will be.
Part of a path.
Simplifies paths on navmesh graphs using the funnel algorithm.
Base class for all graph editors.
Info about what a ray- or linecasts hit.
Holds a bitmask of graphs.
GraphModifier is used for modifying graphs or processing graph data based on events.
Base class for all nodes.
Represents a collection of settings used to update nodes in a specific region of a graph.
Provides burst-readable data to a graph update job.
Job for applying a graph update object.
Helper class for easily updating graphs.
Editor for GraphUpdateScene.
Defines a shape for a Pathfinding.GraphUpdateObject.
Shape optimized for burst.
Contains useful functions for updating graphs.
Contains utility methods for getting useful information out of graph.
Generates a grid of nodes.
Reference to a nodes array to allow multiple serial updates to have a common reference to the nodes.
Used for using a texture as a source for a grid graph.
Information about a linecast hit on a grid graph.
Node used for the GridGraph.
Base class for GridNode and LevelGridNode.
Simplifies a path on a grid graph using a string pulling algorithm.
Simple GUI utility functions.
Calculates an estimated cost from the specified point to the target.
Holds a hierarchical graph to speed up certain pathfinding queries.
Burst-accessible data about the hierarhical nodes.
Common interface for all movement scripts in the A* Pathfinding Project.
Exposes internal methods for graphs.
Helper functions for graph updates.
Promise representing a graph update.
Interface for something that holds a triangle based navmesh.
Holds a coordinate in (integer) millimeters.
Integer bounding box.
Integer Rectangle.
Interface for handling off-mesh links.
Used for hiding internal methods of the Path class.
Base for all path modifiers.
Graph which supports the Linecast method.
Graph which has a well defined transformation from graph space to world space.
Provides additional traversal information to a path request.
Graphs which can be updated during runtime.
Exposes internal methods from Pathfinding.VersionedMonoBehaviour.
Interface to expose a subset of the WorkItemProcessor functionality.
Grid Graph, supports layered worlds.
Describes a single node for the LayerGridGraph.
Graph for off-mesh links.
Helper for Pathfinding.Examples.LocalSpaceRichAI.
Base class for path modifiers which can be attached to GameObjects.
Moves an agent in a circle around a point.
A path which searches from one point to a number of different targets in one search or from a number of different start points to a single target.
Base class for all graphs.
Adds new geometry to a recast graph.
Base class for RecastGraph and NavMeshGraph.
Attach to any GameObject and the object will be clamped to the navmesh.
Base class for the NavmeshCut and NavmeshAdd components.
Navmesh cutting is used for fast recast/navmesh graph updates.
Burst-accessible data about borders in the navmesh.
Generates graphs based on navmeshes.
Stores a set of navmesh tiles which can be placed on a recast graph.
Editor for the NavmeshPrefab component.
Nearest node constraint.
NNConstraint which also takes an ITraversalProvider into account.
Result of a nearest node query.
Connects two nodes with a direct connection.
Connects two nodes using an off-mesh link.
Connects two TriangleMeshNodes (recast/navmesh graphs) as if they had shared an edge.
Manager for off-mesh links.
The start or end point of an off-mesh link.
Information about an off-mesh link.
Helper for enabling or disabling compiler directives.
Base class for all path types.
Parameters to OpenCandidateConnectionBurst.
Customized ending condition for a path.
Represents a single pathfinding tag.
Handles thread specific path data.
Base class for path modifiers which are not attached to GameObjects.
A special NNConstraint which can use different logic for the start node and end node in a path.
Stores temporary node data for a single pathfinding request.
Prevents pathfinding from running while held.
Settings for how an agent searches for paths.
Helper for following a path.
Contains useful functions for working with paths and nodes.
Simple patrol behavior.
Graph consisting of a set of points.
Represents a collection of GraphNodes.
Node used for the PointGraph.
Utility functions for working with polygons, lines, and other vector math.
Moves a grid or recast graph to follow a target.
This class has been renamed to ProceduralGraphMover.
Progress info for e.g a progressbar.
Radius path modifier for offsetting paths.
Finds a path in a random direction from the start node.
Simplifies a path using raycasting.
Automatically generates navmesh graphs based on world geometry.
Settings for which meshes/colliders and other objects to include in the graph.
Per layer modification settings.
Editor for the RecastGraph.
Explicit mesh object for recast graphs.
Overrides navmesh generation settings for a single mesh or collider.
Updates the recast tile(s) it is in at start, needs RecastTileUpdateHandler.
Helper for easier fast updates to recast graphs.
Advanced AI for navmesh based graphs.
Editor for the RuleAnglePenalty rule.
Editor for the RuleElevationPenalty rule.
Editor for the RulePerLayerModifications rule.
Editor for the RuleTexture rule.
Handles path calls for a single unit.
Modifier which smooths the path.
Blocks single nodes in a graph.
Adjusts start and end points of a path.
Moves the target in example scenes.
Node represented by a triangle.
Helper class to keep track of references to GameObjects.
Various vector math utility functions.
Base class for all components in the package.
Similar to Queue<T> but allows random access.
Extended Path.
Core component for the A* Pathfinding System.