A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
KDTree.AgentTreeNode | |
AstarColor | Stores editor colors |
AstarData | Stores the navigation graphs for the A* Pathfinding System |
AstarProfiler | |
AstarSerializer | |
AstarSerializer | |
AstarSplines | Contains various spline functions |
Attribute | |
BBTree | Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree |
BBTreeBox | |
BinaryHeapM | Binary heap implementation |
AstarSerializer.BitMask | |
Checksum | Calculates checksums of byte arrays |
CompactVoxelCell | |
CompactVoxelSpan | |
ContourPoint | |
DefineObject | |
Editor | |
EditorGUILayoutx | Handles fading effects and also some custom GUI functions such as LayerMaskField |
EditorUtilities | |
Exception | |
RecastGraph.ExtraMesh | |
EditorGUILayoutx.FadeArea | |
GraphEditorBase | Defined here only so non-editor classes can use the target field |
GraphHitInfo | Returned by graph ray- or linecasts containing info about the hit |
GraphMeta | Metadata for all graphs included in serialization |
GraphUpdateObject | Represents a collection of settings used to update nodes in a specific area of a graph |
GraphUpdateShape | Defines a shape for a Pathfinding::GraphUpdateObject |
GraphUpdateUtilities | Contains useful functions for updating graphs |
Guid | Simple implementation of a GUID |
GUIUtilityx | Simple GUIUtility functions |
LocalAvoidance.HalfPlane | |
IAgent | Exposes properties of an Agent class |
IComparable< IntersectionPair > | |
IComparable< Turn > | |
IDisposable | |
IFunnelGraph | Graphs implementing this interface have support for the Funnel modifier |
INavmesh | |
RecastGraph.Int2 | |
Int3 | Holds a coordinate in integers |
IntRect | Integer Rectangle |
IPathModifier | Base for all path modifiers |
IRaycastableGraph | |
ISerializableGraphEditor | |
ISerializableObject | |
IUpdatableGraph | |
JsonConverter | |
KDTree | |
Line | |
LinkedLevelCell | |
LinkedLevelNode | |
ListPool< T > | Lightweight List Pool |
LockFreeStack | Implements a lock free multiple producer - single consumer stack for the Path object |
Mathfx | Utility functions for working with numbers, lines and vectors |
Matrix | Matrix implementation |
ObjImporter.meshStruct | |
ModifierConverter | |
MonoBehaviour | |
NavGraph | Base class for all graphs |
NNConstraint | Nearest node constraint |
NNInfo | |
Node | Holds one node in a navgraph |
NodeRun | |
NodeRunData | |
ObjExporter | Obj mesh exporter |
ObjImporter | |
KDTree.ObstacleTreeNode | |
ObstacleVertex | One vertex in an obstacle |
OptimizationHandler | |
Parallel | |
Path | |
PathEndingCondition | Customized ending condition for a path |
PathPool< T > | |
PathThreadInfo | Holds info about one pathfinding thread |
PathUtilities | Contains useful functions for working with paths and nodes |
Polygon | Utility functions for working with polygons, lines, and other vector math |
AstarProfiler.ProfilePoint | |
SizeProfiler.ProfileSizePoint | |
Progress | |
RecastGraph.SceneMesh | |
SerializeSettings | Holds settings for how graphs should be serialized |
Simulator | Local Avoidance Simulator |
SizeProfiler | Simple profiler for what is written to a BinaryWriter stream |
AstarSerializer.SMask | Serializer mask for what is to be saved in the file |
StackPool< T > | Lightweight Stack Pool |
TagMask | Holds a tagmask |
Triangulator | |
AdvancedSmooth.TurnConstructor | |
UserConnection | A class for holding a user placed connection |
Utility | |
LocalAvoidance.VO | |
LocalAvoidance.VOIntersection | |
LocalAvoidance.VOLine | |
VoxelArea | |
VoxelCell | |
VoxelContour | |
VoxelContourSet | |
Voxelize | |
VoxelMesh | |
VoxelSpan | |
Simulator.Worker |