A* Pathfinding Project  3.1.4
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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MeshNode Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for MeshNode:
+ Collaboration diagram for MeshNode:

Public Member Functions

Vector3 ClosestPoint (Vector3 p, Int3[] vertices)
int GetVertexIndex (int i)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Node
void AddConnection (Node node, int cost)
 Add a connection to the node with the specified cost.
void BaseFloodFill (Stack< Node > stack, int area)
 Adds all connecting nodes to the stack and sets the area variable to area.
int[] BaseInitialOpen (BinaryHeapM open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen)
void BaseOpen (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
 Opens the nodes connected to this node.
void BaseResetCosts (int[] costs)
 Resets the costs modified by the InitialOpen function when 'doOpen' was false (for the end node).
virtual bool ContainsConnection (Node node)
 Returns true if this node has a connection to the node.
virtual void FloodFill (Stack< Node > stack, int area)
 Adds all connecting nodes to the stack and sets the area variable to area.
virtual void GetConnections (NodeDelegate callback)
 Get all connections for a node.
void GetConnectionsBase (NodeDelegate callback)
 Get all connections for a node.
int GetNodeIndex ()
 Returns the global node index.
virtual int[] InitialOpen (BinaryHeapM open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen)
virtual void Open (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
void RecalculateConnectionCosts (bool neighbours)
 Recalculate costs for each connection.
virtual bool RemoveConnection (Node node)
 Removes the connection to the node if it exists.
virtual void ResetCosts (int[] costs)
 Resets the costs modified by the InitialOpen function when 'doOpen' was false (for the end node).
void SetNodeIndex (int index)
virtual void UpdateAllG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
virtual void UpdateConnections ()
 Remove connections to unwalkable nodes.
void UpdateG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)
void UpdateH (Int3 targetPosition, Heuristic heuristic, float scale, NodeRun nodeR)
 Calculates and updates the H score.
virtual void UpdateNeighbourConnections ()
 Calls UpdateConnections on all neighbours.

Public Attributes

int v1
int v2
int v3
- Public Attributes inherited from Node
int[] connectionCosts
 Cost for the connections to other nodes.
Node[] connections
 List of all connections from this node.
int flags
 Bit packed values for different fields.
Int3 position
 Position in world space of the node.


int this[int i] [get]
- Properties inherited from Node
int area [get, set]
 Area ID of the node.
bool Bit15 [get, set]
 Returns bit 15 from flags.
bool Bit16 [get, set]
 Returns bit 16 from flags.
bool Bit8 [get, set]
 Returns bit 8 from flags.
int graphIndex [get, set]
 The index of the graph this node is in.
uint penalty [get, set]
int tags [get, set]
 Tags for walkability.
bool walkable [get, set]
 Is the node walkable.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Node
static int Abs (int x)
 Implementation of the Absolute function.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Node
void BaseUpdateAllG (NodeRun nodeR, NodeRunData nodeRunData)

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: