A* Pathfinding Project  3.1.4
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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AstarPathEditor Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for AstarPathEditor:
+ Collaboration diagram for AstarPathEditor:

Public Member Functions

void AddGraph (System.Type type)
void CheckForUpdates ()
 Checks for updates if there was some time since last check.
void CheckGraphEditors (bool forceRebuild=false)
 Make sure every graph has a graph editor.
GraphEditor CreateGraphEditor (string graphType)
 Creates a GraphEditor for a graph.
int CreateNewUserConnection (Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
 Creates a link between start and end.
void DeSerializationInterrupt (AstarSerializer serializer, bool isNewer, System.Guid g1)
void DeserializeGraphs ()
void DeserializeGraphs (byte[] bytes)
void DisableJs ()
 Disables JS support if it was enabled.
void DrawAboutArea ()
void DrawColorSettings ()
void DrawDarkSkinDialog ()
 Draws a dialog asking the user if he/she wants to use a dark skin.
void DrawDebugSettings ()
void DrawEditorSettings ()
void DrawFirstRun ()
 Draws the first run dialog.
bool DrawGraph (NavGraph graph, GraphEditor graphEditor)
void DrawLinkSettings ()
void DrawMainArea ()
 Draws the main area in the inspector.
void DrawOptimizationSettings ()
 Draws optimizations settings.
void DrawSerializationSettings ()
void DrawSettings ()
void DrawTagSettings ()
void DrawUserConnections ()
void DrawUserConnectionsWindow ()
void EnableJs ()
 Enables JS support.
void FindGraphTypes ()
 Searches in the current assembly for GraphEditor and NavGraph types.
void GetAstarEditorSettings ()
 Reads settings frome EditorPrefs.
bool HandleUndo ()
void LoadGraphs ()
void OnDisable ()
 Cleans up editor stuff.
void OnDrawGizmos ()
 Draw Editor Gizmos in graphs.
void OnEnable ()
 Enables editor stuff.
override void OnInspectorGUI ()
void OnSceneGUI ()
void RemoveGraph (NavGraph graph)
void RepaintSceneView ()
 Repaints Scene View.
void SaveGraphsAndUndo (EventType et=EventType.Used)
byte[] SerializeGraphs ()
byte[] SerializeGraphs (out uint checksum)
byte[] SerializeGraphs (Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings settings, out uint checksum)
void SetAstarEditorSettings ()
void UpdateCheckCompleted (string result)
 Handles the data from the update page.

Static Public Member Functions

static void DiscardFirstRun ()
 Discards the first run window.
static void EditTags ()
static string GetURL (string tag)
static string GetURL (string tag, string defaultURL)
static bool IsJsEnabled ()
 Checks if JS support is enabled.
static bool LoadStyles ()
 Loads GUISkin and sets up styles.
static void ParseServerMessage (string result)
static UnityEngine.Object ReadUnityReference (AstarSerializer serializer, string name, int instanceID, System.Type type)
static void RefreshServerMessage ()
static void WriteUnityReference (AstarSerializer serializer, UnityEngine.Object ob)

Public Attributes

Dictionary< string, DefineObjectdefines
 Holds defines found in script files, used for optimizations.
Node firstShiftNode
GraphEditor[] graphEditors
 List of all graph editors for graphs attached.
EditorGUILayoutx GUILayoutx
System.DateTime lastUpdateCheck = System.DateTime.UtcNow
AstarPath script
int selectedUserConnection = -1

Static Public Attributes

static string alternativeEditorAssets = "Assets/AstarPathfindingEditor/Editor/EditorAssets"
 Alternative path to the editor assets folder for the A* Pathfinding Project.
static bool askForDarkSkin = false
 If the dark skin is detected, show a popup asking if the dark skin should be used.
static readonly string AstarProButton = "A* Pathfinding Project Pro only feature\nThe Pro version can be bought on the A* Pathfinding Project homepage, click here for info"
static string astarProInfoURL = "http://arongranberg.com/unity/a-pathfinding/astarpro/"
 URL to more info about the A* Pathfinding Project.
static readonly string AstarProTooltip = "A* Pathfinding Project Pro only feature\nThe Pro version can be bought on the A* Pathfinding Project homepage,"
static Dictionary< string, string > astarServerData
 Holds various URLs and text for the editor.
static GUISkin astarSkin
static string CRecastHelpURL = "http://www.arongranberg.com/astar/docs/class_pathfinding_1_1_recast_graph.php#a2d3655da3ed281674cf5125205e2a246"
static string documentationURL = "http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/"
 URL to the documentation of the A* Pathfinding Project.
static GUIStyle downArrow
static string DownloadLink = "http://arongranberg.com/unity/a-pathfinding/download"
static string editorAssets = "Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/EditorAssets"
 Path to the editor assets folder for the A* Pathfinding Project.
static bool firstRun = true
static GUIStyle graphBoxStyle
static GUIStyle graphDeleteButtonStyle
static Dictionary< string,
graphEditorTypes = new Dictionary<string,CustomGraphEditor> ()
 List of all graph editors available (e.g GridGraphEditor)
static GUIStyle graphGizmoButtonStyle
static GUIStyle graphInfoButtonStyle
static bool hasForcedNoDarkSkin = false
 True if the user answered No on askForDarkSkin.
static GUIStyle helpBox
static System.Version latestAstarVersion
 Latest version of the A* Pathfinding Project.
static string latestAstarVersionDesc
 Description of the latest update of the A* Pathfinding Project.
static string latestAstarVersionURL
static string ModifierHelpURL = "http://www.arongranberg.com/astar/docs/modifiers.php"
 URL to a page with more info on modifiers.
static bool refreshedServerData = false
 False if astarServerData has not yet been updated with latest data.
static string scriptsFolder = "Assets/AstarPathfindingProject"
serializationSettings = Pathfinding.Serialization.SerializeSettings.All
static bool showSerializationSettings = false
static bool stylesLoaded = false
static GUIStyle thinHelpBox
static GUIStyle upArrow
static WWW updateCheckObject
static double updateCheckRate = 1F
static string updateURL = "http://www.arongranberg.com/astar/version.php"
 URL to the version file containing the latest version number.
static bool useDarkSkin = false
 Toggle to use a darker skin which matches the Unity Pro dark skin.


System.Type[] graphTypes [get]

Private Member Functions

void RemoveConnection (UserConnection conn)
 Removes user connection conn from the script.astarData.userConnections array.

Private Attributes

AstarPath.AstarDistribution astarDistribution = AstarPath.AstarDistribution.AssetStore
bool showAddGraphMenu = false
 Is the 'Add New Graph' menu open.

Static Private Attributes

static bool aboutArea = false
static bool colorSettings = false
static bool customAreaColorsOpen = false
static bool editLinks = false
static bool editorSettings = false
static bool editTags = false
static bool linkSettings = false
static bool optimizationSettings = false
static bool showSettings = false

Member Function Documentation

void CheckForUpdates ( )

Checks for updates if there was some time since last check.

Usually called from OnInspectorGUI. It must be called repeatedly to ensure that the result is processed

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

int CreateNewUserConnection ( Vector3  start,
Vector3  end 

Creates a link between start and end.

See Also
void DisableJs ( )

Disables JS support if it was enabled.

This is done by restructuring folders in the project

static void DiscardFirstRun ( )

Discards the first run window.

It will not be shown for this project again

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DrawFirstRun ( )

Draws the first run dialog.

Asks if the user wants to enable JS support

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DrawOptimizationSettings ( )

Draws optimizations settings.

A* Pro Feature:
This is an A* Pathfinding Project Pro feature only. This function/class/variable might not exist in the Free version of the A* Pathfinding Project or the functionality might be limited
The Pro version can be bought here

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void EnableJs ( )

Enables JS support.

This is done by restructuring folders in the project

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bool IsJsEnabled ( )

Checks if JS support is enabled.

This is done by checking if the directory 'Assets/AstarPathfindingEditor/Editor' exists

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

static bool LoadStyles ( )

Loads GUISkin and sets up styles.

See Also
True if all styles were found, false if there was an error somewhere

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void OnDrawGizmos ( )

Draw Editor Gizmos in graphs.

This is called using a delegate OnDrawGizmosCallback in the AstarPath script.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

void OnEnable ( )

Enables editor stuff.

Loads graphs, reads settings and sets everything up

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void RepaintSceneView ( )

Repaints Scene View.

Uses Undocumented Unity Calls (should be safe for Unity 3.x though)

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

string alternativeEditorAssets = "Assets/AstarPathfindingEditor/Editor/EditorAssets"

Alternative path to the editor assets folder for the A* Pathfinding Project.

string astarProInfoURL = "http://arongranberg.com/unity/a-pathfinding/astarpro/"

URL to more info about the A* Pathfinding Project.

Dictionary<string,string> astarServerData
Initial value:
= new Dictionary<string, string> {

Holds various URLs and text for the editor.

This info can be updated when a check for new versions is done to ensure that there are no invalid links.

Dictionary<string,DefineObject> defines

Holds defines found in script files, used for optimizations.

A* Pro Feature:
This is an A* Pathfinding Project Pro feature only. This function/class/variable might not exist in the Free version of the A* Pathfinding Project or the functionality might be limited
The Pro version can be bought here
string documentationURL = "http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/"

URL to the documentation of the A* Pathfinding Project.

string editorAssets = "Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/EditorAssets"

Path to the editor assets folder for the A* Pathfinding Project.

If this path turns out to be incorrect, the script will try to find the correct path

See Also
string ModifierHelpURL = "http://www.arongranberg.com/astar/docs/modifiers.php"

URL to a page with more info on modifiers.

bool refreshedServerData = false

False if astarServerData has not yet been updated with latest data.

The data is got from the server on system update checks, it is cached in editor prefs.

string updateURL = "http://www.arongranberg.com/astar/version.php"

URL to the version file containing the latest version number.


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: