A* Pathfinding Project  3.1.4
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LayerGridGraphEditor Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for LayerGridGraphEditor:
+ Collaboration diagram for LayerGridGraphEditor:

Public Member Functions

override void OnInspectorGUI (NavGraph target)
 Override to implement graph inspectors.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GridGraphEditor
void DeSerializeSettings (NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
void DrawTextureData (GridGraph.TextureData data, GridGraph graph)
 Draws settings for using a texture as source for a grid.
int IntField (string label, int value, int offset, int adjust, out Rect r, out bool selected)
 Draws an integer field.
int IntField (GUIContent label, int value, int offset, int adjust, out Rect r, out bool selected)
 Draws an integer field.
override void OnSceneGUI (NavGraph target)
 Override to implement scene GUI drawing for the graph.
UnityEngine.Object ResourcesField (string label, UnityEngine.Object obj, System.Type type)
 Displays an object field for objects which must be in the 'Resources' folder.
void SaveReferenceTexture (GridGraph graph)
void SerializeSettings (NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
void SnapSizeToNodes (int newWidth, int newDepth, GridGraph graph)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GraphEditor
void DrawCollisionEditor (GraphCollision collision)
 Draws the inspector for a GraphCollision class .
bool FixLabel (string label, string buttonLabel="Fix", int buttonWidth=40)
 Draws a small help box with a 'Fix' button to the right.
void HelpBox (string label)
 Draws a small help box.
Object ObjectField (string label, Object obj, System.Type objType, bool allowSceneObjects)
Object ObjectField (GUIContent label, Object obj, System.Type objType, bool allowSceneObjects)
void OnBaseInspectorGUI (NavGraph target)
 Draws common graph settings.
virtual void OnDestroy ()
virtual void OnDisable ()
virtual void OnDrawGizmos ()
 Override to implement scene Gizmos drawing for the graph editor.
virtual void OnEnable ()
void Separator ()
 Draws a thin separator line.
bool ToggleGroup (string label, bool value)
 Draws a toggle with a bold label to the right.
bool ToggleGroup (GUIContent label, bool value)
 Draws a toggle with a bold label to the right.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ISerializableGraphEditor
void DeSerializeSettings (NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)
void SerializeSettings (NavGraph target, AstarSerializer serializer)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from GridGraphEditor
enum  GridPivot {
  Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft,
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GridGraphEditor
static GridPivot PivotPointSelector (GridPivot pivot)
- Public Attributes inherited from GridGraphEditor
bool isMouseDown = false
bool locked = true
GridPivot pivot
bool showExtra = false
bool textureVisible = true
 Should textures be allowed to be used.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from GridGraphEditor
static readonly string[] ChannelUseNames = new string[4] {"None","Penalty","Height","Walkability and Penalty"}

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