A* Pathfinding Project  3.1.4
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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FloodPath Class Reference

Floods the area completely for easy computation of any path to a single point. More...

+ Inheritance diagram for FloodPath:
+ Collaboration diagram for FloodPath:

Public Member Functions

 FloodPath (Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate)
 Creates a new FloodPath instance.
override void CalculateStep (long targetTick)
 Opens nodes until there are none left to search (or until the max time limit has been exceeded)
Node GetParent (Node node)
bool HasPathTo (Node node)
override void Initialize ()
 Initializes the path.
override void Prepare ()
override void Reset ()
 Reset all values to their default values.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Path
void AdvanceState (PathState s)
 Threadsafe increment of the state.
bool CanTraverse (Node node)
 Returns if the node can be traversed.
void Claim (System.Object o)
 Claim this path.
virtual string DebugString (PathLog logMode)
 Returns a debug string for this path.
void Error ()
 Aborts the path because of an error.
void ForceLogError (string msg)
 Logs an error and calls Error() to true.
PathState GetState ()
 Returns the state of the path in the pathfinding pipeline.
uint GetTagPenalty (int tag)
 Returns penalty for the given tag.
float GetTotalLength ()
 Total Length of the path.
bool IsDone ()
 Returns if this path is done calculating.
void Log (string msg)
 Appends a message to the errorLog.
void LogError (string msg)
 Appends msg to errorLog and logs msg to the console.
virtual void OnEnterPool ()
 Called when the path enters the pool.
void PrepareBase (NodeRunData runData)
 Prepares low level path variables for calculation.
void Release (System.Object o)
 Releases a path claim.
void ReleaseSilent (System.Object o)
 Releases the path silently.
virtual void ReturnPath ()
 Calls callback to return the calculated path.
virtual void Trace (NodeRun from)
 Traces the calculated path from the end node to the start.

Static Public Member Functions

static FloodPath Construct (Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callback=null)

Public Attributes

Vector3 originalStartPoint
Node startNode
Vector3 startPoint
- Public Attributes inherited from Path
OnPathDelegate callback
 Callback to call when the path is complete.
System.DateTime callTime
 When the call was made to start the pathfinding for this path.
float duration
 The duration of this path in ms.
int enabledTags = -1
 Which graph tags are traversable.
int height
 Height of the character.
Heuristic heuristic
 Determines which heuristic to use.
float heuristicScale = 1F
 Scale of the heuristic values.
Path next
 The next path to be searched.
NNConstraint nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default
 Constraint for how to search for nodes.
List< Nodepath
 Holds the path as a Node array.
ushort pathID
 ID of this path.
int radius
 Radius for the unit searching for the path.
bool recycled = false
 True if the path is currently recycled (i.e in the path pool).
NodeRunData runData
int searchedNodes
 Number of nodes this path has searched.
int searchIterations = 0
int speed
 Speed of the character.
int turnRadius
 Turning radius of the character.
List< Vector3 > vectorPath
 Holds the (perhaps post processed) path as a Vector3 array.
int walkabilityMask = -1
 A mask for defining what type of ground a unit can traverse, not used in any default standard graph.

Protected Member Functions

override void Recycle ()
 Recycle the path.
void Setup (Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callback)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Path
bool HasExceededTime (int searchedNodes, long targetTime)

Protected Attributes

Dictionary< Node, Nodeparents
- Protected Attributes inherited from Path
int[] _tagPenalties = new int[0]
 Penalties for each tag.
NodeRun currentR
 The node currently being processed.
bool hasBeenReset = false
 True if the Reset function has been called.
float maxFrameTime
 The max number of milliseconds per iteration (frame, in case of non-multithreading)

Additional Inherited Members

- Properties inherited from Path
PathCompleteState CompleteState [get, set]
bool error [get]
 If the path failed, this is true.
string errorLog [get]
 Log messages with info about eventual errors.
int[] tagPenalties [get, set]
 Penalties for each tag.

Detailed Description

Floods the area completely for easy computation of any path to a single point.

This path is a bit special, because it does not do anything useful by itself. What it does is that it calculates paths to all nodes it can reach, floods it. This data will remain stored in the path. Then you can call a FloodPathTracer path, that path will trace the path from it's starting point all the way to where this path started flooding and thus generating a path extremely quickly.
It is very useful in for example TD (Tower Defence) games where all your AIs will walk to the same point, but from different places, and you do not update the graph or change the target point very often, what changes is their positions and new AIs spawn all the time (which makes it hard to use the MultiTargetPath).

With this path type, it can all be handled easily.

  • At start, you simply start ONE FloodPath and save the reference (it will be needed later).
  • Then when a unit is spawned or needs it's path recalculated, start a FloodPathTracer path from it's position. It will then find the shortest path to the point specified when you called the FloodPath extremely quickly.
  • If you update the graph (for example place a tower in a TD game) or need to change the target point, you simply call a new FloodPath (and store it's reference).
From 3.2 and up, path traversal data is now stored in the path class. So you can now use other path types in parallel with this one.

Here follows some example code of the above list of steps:

public static FloodPath fpath;
public void Start () {
fpath = new FloodPath (someTargetPosition, null);

When searching for a new path to someTargetPosition from let's say transform.position, you do

FloodPathTracer fpathTrace = new FloodPathTracer (transform.position,fpath,null);
seeker.StartPath (fpathTrace,OnPathComplete);

Where OnPathComplete is your callback function.

This path type relies on pathIDs being stored in the graph, but pathIDs are only 16 bits, meaning they will overflow after 65536 paths. When that happens all pathIDs in the graphs will be cleared, so at that point you will also need to recalculate the FloodPath.
To do so, register to the AstarPath::On65KOverflow callback:
public void Start () {
AstarPath.On65KOverflow += MyCallbackFunction;
public void MyCallbackFunction () {
//The callback is nulled every time it is called, so we need to register again
AstarPath.On65KOverflow += MyCallbackFunction;
//Recalculate the path
This will happen after a very long time into the game, but it will happen eventually (look at the 'path number' value on the log messages when paths are completed for a hint about when)

Anothing thing to note is that if you are using NNConstraints on the FloodPathTracer, they must always inherit from Pathfinding::PathIDConstraint.
The easiest is to just modify the instance of PathIDConstraint which is created as the default one.
A* Pro Feature:
This is an A* Pathfinding Project Pro feature only. This function/class/variable might not exist in the Free version of the A* Pathfinding Project or the functionality might be limited
The Pro version can be bought here

Member Function Documentation

override void Initialize ( )

Initializes the path.

Sets up the open list and adds the first node to it

Implements Path.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

override void Recycle ( )

Recycle the path.

Calling this means that the path and any variables on it are not needed anymore and the path can be pooled. All path data will be reset. Implement this in inheriting path types to support recycling of paths.

public override void Recycle () {
//Recycle the Path (<Path> should be replaced by the path type it is implemented in)
PathPool<Path>.Recycle (this);
Do not call this function directly, instead use the Claim and Release functions.
See Also

Implements Path.

override void Reset ( )

Reset all values to their default values.

All inheriting path types must implement this function, resetting ALL their variables to enable recycling of paths. Call this base function in inheriting types with base.Reset ();

Reimplemented from Path.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: