A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
►NPathfinding | |
►NExamples | |
►NRTS | |
CBehaviors | |
CBinding | |
CBTContext | |
CBTHarvest | |
CBTMove | |
CBTNode | Implements a simple behavior tree |
CBTSelector | |
CBTSequence | |
CBTTransparent | |
CCondition | |
CFindClosestUnit | |
CHarvest | |
CHarvestMode | |
COnce | |
►CRTSAudio | |
CSource | |
►CRTSBuildingBarracks | |
CUnitItem | |
CRTSBuildingButton | |
CRTSBuildingManager | |
►CRTSBuildingQueueUI | |
►CUIItem | |
CQueItem | |
CRTSHarvestableResource | |
CRTSHarvester | |
CRTSManager | |
CRTSPlayer | |
CRTSPlayerResources | |
CRTSResourceDeterioration | |
►CRTSResourceView | |
CItem | |
CRTSTimedDestruction | |
CMenu | |
CMenuItem | |
CRTSUnit | |
►CRTSUnitBuilder | |
CBuildingItem | |
CRTSUnitManager | |
►CRTSWaveSpawner | |
CWave | |
CRTSWeapon | |
CRTSWeaponSimpleRanged | |
►CRTSWorldSpaceUI | |
CItem | |
CSimpleAction | |
CValue | |
CAnimationLinkTraverser | Example of how to handle off-mesh link traversal |
CAstar3DButton | Helper script in the example scene 'Turn Based' |
CAstarSmoothFollow2 | Smooth Camera Following |
CBezierMover | Moves an object along a spline |
CDoorController | Example script used in the example scenes |
CExampleMover | |
CGroupController | RVO Example Scene Unit Controller |
CHexagonTrigger | Helper script in the example scene 'Turn Based' |
►CLightweightRVO | Lightweight RVO Circle Example |
CJobGenerateMesh | |
CJobMoveAgents | |
CJobSetAgentSettings | |
CLocalSpaceRichAI | RichAI for local space (pathfinding on moving graphs) |
CManualRVOAgent | Player controlled character which RVO agents will avoid |
CMecanimBridge | Example of how to use Mecanim with the included movement scripts |
CMineBotAI | AI controller specifically made for the spider robot |
CMineBotAnimation | Animation helper specifically made for the spider robot in the example scenes |
CObjectPlacer | Small sample script for placing obstacles |
CPathTypesDemo | Demos different path types |
►CProceduralWorld | Example script for generating an infinite procedural world |
CProceduralPrefab | |
CProceduralTile | |
CRVOAgentPlacer | Places ROV agents in circles |
CRVOExampleAgent | Example movement script for using RVO |
CTurnBasedAI | Helper script in the example scene 'Turn Based' |
CTurnBasedDoor | Helper script in the example scene 'Turn Based' |
CTurnBasedManager | Helper script in the example scene 'Turn Based' |
►NJobs | |
►NGrid | |
CJobCalculateConnections | Calculates the grid connections for a single node |
CJobErosion | Calculates the grid connections for a single node |
CJobNodePositions | |
CJobNodeWalkable | |
CJobPenaltyAngle | |
CJobPenaltyPosition | |
CJobPrepareGridRaycast | |
CIJobParallelForBatch | |
CJobAND | Result[i] &= data[i] |
CJobCopyHits | Points[i] = hits[i].point |
►CJobParallelForBatchExtensions | |
CParallelForBatchJobStruct | |
►NLegacy | |
CLegacyAIPath | AI for following paths |
CLegacyAIPathEditor | |
CLegacyEditorHelper | |
CLegacyRichAI | Advanced AI for navmesh based graphs |
CLegacyRichAIEditor | |
CLegacyRVOController | RVO Character Controller |
CLegacyRVOControllerEditor | |
►NRecast | |
►CRecastMeshGatherer | |
CCapsuleCache | |
►NRVO | Local avoidance related classes |
►NSampled | |
►CAgent | Internal agent for the RVO system |
CFloatComparer | |
CVO | Velocity Obstacle |
CVOBuffer | Very simple list |
CJobHardCollisions | |
CJobHorizonAvoidancePhase1 | Inspired by StarCraft 2's avoidance of locked units |
CJobHorizonAvoidancePhase2 | Inspired by StarCraft 2's avoidance of locked units |
►CJobRVO | |
CHalfPlane | |
CVO | Velocity Obstacle |
CVO2 | |
CJobRVOCalculateNeighbours | |
CJobRVOClearNormal | |
CJobRVOCopy | |
CJobRVOPreprocess | |
CIAgent | Exposes properties of an Agent class |
CIReadOnlySlice | |
CISimulator | |
CLine | ORCA Line |
CObstacleVertex | One vertex in an obstacle |
CRVOController | RVO Character Controller |
CRVOControllerEditor | |
►CRVODestinationCrowdedBehavior | Controls if the agent slows down to a stop if the area around the destination is crowded |
►CJobDensityCheck | |
CQueryData | |
CRVONavmesh | Adds a navmesh as RVO obstacles |
CRVOObstacle | Base class for simple RVO colliders |
►CRVOQuadtree | Quadtree for quick nearest neighbour search of rvo agents |
CNode | Node in a quadtree for storing RVO agents |
CQuadtreeQuery | |
►CRVOQuadtreeBurst | Quadtree for quick nearest neighbour search of rvo agents |
CJobBuild | |
CQuadtreeQuery | |
CRVOSimulator | Unity front end for an RVO simulator |
CRVOSquareObstacle | Square Obstacle for RVO Simulation |
►CSimulator | Local Avoidance Simulator |
CWorker | Worker thread for RVO simulation |
CWorkerContext | |
►CSimulatorBurst | Local Avoidance Simulator |
CAgent | |
CAgentData | |
CAgentOutputData | |
CHorizonAgentData | |
CTemporaryAgentData | |
►NSerialization | |
CAstarSerializer | Handles low level serialization and deserialization of graph settings and data |
CGraphMeta | Metadata for all graphs included in serialization |
CGraphSerializationContext | Holds information passed to custom graph serializers |
CJsonMemberAttribute | |
CJsonOptInAttribute | |
CSerializeSettings | Holds settings for how graphs should be serialized |
CTinyJsonDeserializer | A very tiny json deserializer |
CTinyJsonSerializer | A very tiny json serializer |
►NUtil | |
CArrayPool | Lightweight Array Pool |
►CBatchedEvents | |
CArchetype | |
CChecksum | Calculates checksums of byte arrays |
CDependencyCheck | |
CDraw | Helper methods for drawing gizmos and debug lines |
CEditorGUILayoutHelper | Some editor gui helper methods |
CGraphGizmoHelper | |
CGraphTransform | Defines a transformation from graph space to world space |
►CGridLookup | Holds a lookup datastructure to quickly find objects inside rectangles |
CItem | |
CRoot | |
CGuid | Simple implementation of a GUID |
CIAstarPooledObject | |
CIEntityIndex | Used by Pathfinding.Util.BatchedEvents |
CIMovementPlane | Transforms to and from world space to a 2D movement plane |
CITransform | Generic 3D coordinate transformation |
CListExtensions | Extension methods for List<T> |
CListPool | Lightweight List Pool |
CMemory | Various utilities for handling arrays and memory |
CMovementUtilities | |
CObjectPool | Lightweight object Pool for IAstarPooledObject |
CObjectPoolSimple | Lightweight object Pool |
CParallelWorkQueue | Helper for parallelizing tasks |
CPathInterpolator | Interpolates along a sequence of points |
CPreserveAttribute | Prevents code stripping |
►CRetainedGizmos | Helper for drawing Gizmos in a performant way |
CBuilder | Helper for drawing gizmos |
CHasher | Combines hashes into a single hash value |
CMeshWithHash | |
CStackPool | Lightweight Stack Pool |
►CTileHandler | Utility class for updating tiles of navmesh/recast graphs |
CCut | Internal class describing a single NavmeshCut |
CCuttingResult | Internal class representing a mesh which is the result of the CutPoly method |
CTileType | A template for a single tile in a navmesh/recast graph |
►NVoxels | |
CCompactVoxelCell | CompactVoxelCell used for recast graphs |
CCompactVoxelSpan | CompactVoxelSpan used for recast graphs |
CInt3PolygonClipper | Utility for clipping polygons |
CLinkedVoxelSpan | |
CRasterizationMesh | Represents a mesh which will be rasterized |
CUtility | Various utilities for voxel rasterization |
CVoxelArea | Stores a voxel field |
CVoxelCell | VoxelCell used for recast graphs |
CVoxelContour | VoxelContour used for recast graphs |
CVoxelContourSet | VoxelContourSet used for recast graphs |
CVoxelize | Voxelizer for recast graphs |
CVoxelMesh | VoxelMesh used for recast graphs |
CVoxelPolygonClipper | Utility for clipping polygons |
CVoxelSpan | VoxelSpan used for recast graphs |
►NWindowsStore | |
CWindowsStoreCompatibility | |
CABPath | Basic path, finds the shortest path from A to B |
CABPathEndingCondition | Ending condition which emulates the default one for the ABPath |
►CAdvancedSmooth | Smoothing by dividing path into turns and straight segments |
CConstantTurn | Constant turning speed |
CMaxTurn | Type of turn |
CTurn | Represents a turn in a path |
CTurnConstructor | Abstract turn constructor |
CAIBase | Base class for AIPath and RichAI |
CAIDestinationSetter | Sets the destination of an AI to the position of a specified object |
CAILerp | Linearly interpolating movement script |
CAILerpEditor | |
CAIPath | AI for following paths |
CAlternativePath | Applies penalty to the paths it processes telling other units to avoid choosing the same path |
►CAnimationLink | |
CLinkClip | |
CAnimationLinkEditor | |
CAstarColor | Stores editor colors |
CAstarData | Stores the navigation graphs for the A* Pathfinding System |
►CAstarDebugger | Debugger for the A* Pathfinding Project |
CGraphPoint | |
CPathTypeDebug | |
CAstarMath | Utility functions for working with numbers and strings |
CAstarPathEditor | |
►CAstarProfiler | |
CProfilePoint | |
CAstarSplines | Contains various spline functions |
CAstarUpdateChecker | Handles update checking for the A* Pathfinding Project |
CAstarUpdateWindow | |
CAstarWorkItem | An item of work that can be executed when graphs are safe to update |
CBaseAIEditor | |
►CBBTree | Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree |
CBBTreeBox | |
►CBinaryHeap | Binary heap implementation |
CTuple | Item in the heap |
►CBlockManager | Manager for blocker scripts such as SingleNodeBlocker |
CTraversalProvider | Blocks nodes according to a BlockManager |
CConnection | Represents a connection to another node |
CConstantPath | Finds all nodes within a specified distance from the start |
CCustomGraphEditorAttribute | Added to editors of custom graph types |
CCustomPath | |
CDebugUtility | Helper for drawing debug information for the recast graph |
CDefaultITraversalProvider | Convenience class to access the default implementation of the ITraversalProvider |
CDynamicGridObstacle | Attach this script to any obstacle with a collider to enable dynamic updates of the graphs around it |
CEditorBase | Helper for creating editors |
CEditorGUILayoutx | Handles fading effects and also some custom GUI functions such as LayerMaskField |
CEndingConditionDistance | Target is found when the path is longer than a specified value |
CEndingConditionProximity | Ending condition which stops a fixed distance from the target point |
CEnumFlagAttribute | |
CEnumFlagDrawer | |
CEuclideanEmbedding | Implements heuristic optimizations |
CFadeArea | Editor helper for hiding and showing a group of GUI elements |
CFleePath | Returns a path heading away from a specified point to avoid |
CFloodPath | Floods the area completely for easy computation of any path to a single point |
CFloodPathConstraint | Restrict suitable nodes by if they have been searched by a FloodPath |
CFloodPathTracer | Traces a path created with the Pathfinding.FloodPath |
►CFunnel | Implements the funnel algorithm as well as various related methods |
CFunnelPortals | Funnel in which the path to the target will be |
CPathPart | Part of a path |
CFunnelModifier | Simplifies paths on navmesh graphs using the funnel algorithm |
CGraphCollision | Handles collision checking for graphs |
CGraphEditor | |
CGraphEditorBase | Defined here only so non-editor classes can use the target field |
CGraphHitInfo | Returned by graph ray- or linecasts containing info about the hit |
CGraphMask | Holds a bitmask of graphs |
CGraphModifier | GraphModifier is used for modifying graphs or processing graph data based on events |
CGraphNode | Base class for all nodes |
CGraphUpdateObject | Represents a collection of settings used to update nodes in a specific region of a graph |
►CGraphUpdateProcessor | |
CGUOSingle | Holds a single update that needs to be performed on a graph |
CGraphUpdateScene | Helper class for easily updating graphs |
CGraphUpdateSceneEditor | Editor for GraphUpdateScene |
CGraphUpdateShape | Defines a shape for a Pathfinding.GraphUpdateObject |
CGraphUpdateUtilities | Contains useful functions for updating graphs |
CGraphUtilities | Contains utility methods for getting useful information out of graph |
►CGridGraph | Generates a grid of nodes |
CTextureData | Used for using a texture as a source for a grid graph |
CGridGraphEditor | |
CGridNode | Node used for the GridGraph |
CGridNodeBase | Base class for GridNode and LevelGridNode |
CGUIUtilityx | Simple GUI utility functions |
CHierarchicalGraph | Holds a hierarchical graph to speed up certain pathfinding queries |
CIAstarAI | Common interface for all movement scripts in the A* Pathfinding Project |
CIGraphInternals | Exposes internal methods for graphs |
CINavmesh | |
CINavmeshHolder | Interface for something that holds a triangle based navmesh |
CInt2 | Two Dimensional Integer Coordinate Pair |
CInt3 | Holds a coordinate in integers |
CIntRect | Integer Rectangle |
CIPathInternals | Used for hiding internal methods of the Path class |
CIPathModifier | Base for all path modifiers |
CIRaycastableGraph | Graph which supports the Linecast method |
CITransformedGraph | Graph which has a well defined transformation from graph space to world space |
CITraversalProvider | Provides additional traversal information to a path request |
CIUpdatableGraph | Graphs which can be updated during runtime |
CIVersionedMonoBehaviourInternal | Exposes internal methods from Pathfinding.VersionedMonoBehaviour |
CIWorkItemContext | Interface to expose a subset of the WorkItemProcessor functionality |
►CLayerGridGraph | Grid Graph, supports layered worlds |
CHeightSample | Struct returned by SampleHeights |
CHitComparer | Sorts RaycastHits by distance |
CLayerGridGraphEditor | |
CLayerGridGraphUpdate | GraphUpdateObject with more settings for the LayerGridGraph |
CLevelGridNode | Describes a single node for the LayerGridGraph |
CLocalSpaceGraph | Helper for Pathfinding.Examples.LocalSpaceRichAI |
CMeshNode | |
CMonoModifier | Base class for path modifiers which can be attached to GameObjects |
CMultiTargetPath | A path which searches from one point to a number of different targets in one search or from a number of different start points to a single target |
CNavGraph | Base class for all graphs |
CNavmeshAdd | Adds new geometry to a recast graph |
CNavmeshBase | Base class for RecastGraph and NavMeshGraph |
CNavmeshClamp | Attach to any GameObject and the object will be clamped to the navmesh |
CNavmeshClipper | Base class for the NavmeshCut and NavmeshAdd components |
CNavmeshCut | Navmesh cutting is used for fast recast/navmesh graph updates |
CNavmeshCutEditor | |
CNavMeshGraph | Generates graphs based on navmeshes |
CNavMeshGraphEditor | |
CNavmeshTile | |
►CNavmeshUpdates | Helper for navmesh cut objects |
CNavmeshUpdateSettings | Stores navmesh cutting related data for a single graph |
CNNConstraint | Nearest node constraint |
CNNInfo | Result of a nearest node query |
CNNInfoInternal | Internal result of a nearest node query |
CNodeLink | Connects two nodes with a direct connection |
CNodeLink2 | Connects two nodes via two intermediate point nodes |
CNodeLink3 | Connects two TriangleMeshNodes (recast/navmesh graphs) as if they had shared an edge |
CNodeLink3Node | |
►CObjImporter | |
CmeshStruct | |
►COptimizationHandler | Helper for enabling or disabling compiler directives |
CDefineDefinition | |
CPath | Base class for all path types |
CPathEndingCondition | Customized ending condition for a path |
CPathHandler | Handles thread specific path data |
CPathModifier | Base class for path modifiers which are not attached to GameObjects |
CPathNNConstraint | A special NNConstraint which can use different logic for the start node and end node in a path |
CPathNode | Stores temporary node data for a single pathfinding request |
CPathPool | Pools path objects to reduce load on the garbage collector |
►CPathProcessor | |
CGraphUpdateLock | Prevents pathfinding from running while held |
CPathReturnQueue | |
►CPathUtilities | Contains useful functions for working with paths and nodes |
CConstrainToSet | |
CPatrol | Simple patrol behavior |
CPointGraph | Basic point graph |
CPointGraphEditor | |
►CPointKDTree | Represents a collection of GraphNodes |
CCompareX | |
CCompareY | |
CCompareZ | |
CNode | |
CPointNode | Node used for the PointGraph |
CPolygon | Utility functions for working with polygons, lines, and other vector math |
CProceduralGridMover | Moves a grid graph to follow a target |
CProfile | |
CProgress | Progress info for e.g a progressbar |
CRadiusModifier | Radius path modifier for offsetting paths |
CRandomPath | Finds a path in a random direction from the start node |
CRaycastModifier | Simplifies a path using raycasting |
CRaycastModifierEditor | |
CRecastBBTree | Axis Aligned Bounding Box Tree |
CRecastBBTreeBox | |
CRecastGraph | Automatically generates navmesh graphs based on world geometry |
CRecastGraphEditor | Editor for the RecastGraph |
CRecastMeshObj | Explicit mesh object for recast graphs |
CRecastMeshObjEditor | |
CRecastTileUpdate | Updates the recast tile(s) it is in at start, needs RecastTileUpdateHandler |
CRecastTileUpdateHandler | Helper for easier fast updates to recast graphs |
CRelevantGraphSurface | Pruning of recast navmesh regions |
CRichAI | Advanced AI for navmesh based graphs |
CRichFunnel | |
CRichPath | |
CRichPathPart | |
CRichSpecial | |
CRVONavmeshEditor | |
CRVOSimulatorEditor | |
CRVOSquareObstacleEditor | |
CSeeker | Handles path calls for a single unit |
CSeekerEditor | |
CSimpleSmoothModifier | Modifier which smooths the path |
CSingleNodeBlocker | Blocks single nodes in a graph |
CSmoothModifierEditor | |
CStartEndModifier | Adjusts start and end points of a path |
CTargetMover | Moves the target in example scenes |
►CThreadControlQueue | Queue of paths to be processed by the system |
CQueueTerminationException | |
CTileHandlerHelper | Helper for navmesh cut objects |
CTriangleMeshNode | Node represented by a triangle |
CUniqueComponentAttribute | |
CUnityReferenceHelper | Helper class to keep track of references to GameObjects |
CVectorMath | Various vector math utility functions |
CVersionedMonoBehaviour | Base class for all components in the package |
►CWorkItemProcessor | |
CIndexedQueue | Similar to Queue<T> but allows random access |
CXPath | Extended Path |
►NUnity | |
►NIL2CPP | |
►NCompilerServices | |
CIl2CppSetOptionAttribute | Use this attribute on a class, method, or property to inform the IL2CPP code conversion utility to override the global setting for one of a few different runtime checks |
CAstarPath | Core component for the A* Pathfinding System |
CRTSTiltInMovementDirection |