A* Pathfinding Project  4.3.8
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
SimulatorBurst Class Reference

Local Avoidance Simulator. More...

Detailed Description

Local Avoidance Simulator.

This class handles local avoidance simulation for a number of agents using Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles (RVO) and Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (ORCA).

This class will handle calculation of velocities from desired velocities supplied by a script. It is, however, not responsible for moving any objects in a Unity Scene. For that there are other scripts (see below).

Obstacles can be added and removed from the simulation, agents can also be added and removed at any time.

See also

The implementation uses a sampling based algorithm with gradient descent to find the avoidance velocities.

You will most likely mostly use the wrapper class RVOSimulator.

A* Pro Feature:
This is an A* Pathfinding Project Pro feature only. This function/class/variable might not exist in the Free version of the A* Pathfinding Project or the functionality might be limited
The Pro version can be bought here


class  Agent
struct  AgentData
struct  AgentOutputData
struct  HorizonAgentData
struct  TemporaryAgentData

Public Member Functions

 SimulatorBurst (bool doubleBuffering, MovementPlane movementPlane)
 Create a new simulator. More...
IAgent AddAgent (Vector2 position, float elevationCoordinate)
 Add an agent at the specified position. More...
IAgent AddAgent (IAgent agent)
ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (ObstacleVertex v)
ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3[] vertices, float height, bool cycle=true)
ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3[] vertices, float height, Matrix4x4 matrix, RVOLayer layer=RVOLayer.DefaultObstacle, bool cycle=true)
ObstacleVertex AddObstacle (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, float height)
void ClearAgents ()
 Removes all agents from the simulation. More...
IReadOnlyList< IAgentGetAgents ()
 Get a list of all agents. More...
List< ObstacleVertexGetObstacles ()
 Get a list of all obstacles. More...
void OnDestroy ()
 Frees all used memory. More...
void RemoveAgent (IAgent agent)
 Removes a specified agent from this simulation. More...
void RemoveObstacle (ObstacleVertex v)
void Update ()
 Should be called once per frame. More...
void UpdateObstacle (ObstacleVertex obstacle, Vector3[] vertices, Matrix4x4 matrix)
void UpdateObstacles ()
 Rebuilds the obstacle tree at next simulation frame. More...

Public Attributes

Rect AgentBounds => quadtree.bounds
int AgentCount => numAgents
 Number of agents in the simulation. More...
float DeltaTime => deltaTime
MovementPlane MovementPlane => movementPlane
readonly MovementPlane movementPlane = MovementPlane.XZ
 Determines if the XY (2D) or XZ (3D) plane is used for movement. More...
bool Multithreading => true
List< ObstacleVertexobstacles
 Obstacles in this simulation. More...
AgentOutputData outputData
 Internal simulation data. More...
RVOQuadtreeBurst quadtree
 Quadtree for this simulation. More...
AgentData simulationData
 Internal simulation data. More...


bool AnyAgentHasDebug [get, private set]
 True if at least one agent had debug drawing enabled during the previous frame. More...
float DesiredDeltaTime [get, set]
 Time in seconds between each simulation step. More...
bool DoubleBuffering [get, set]
 Use double buffering. More...
bool HardCollisions [get, set]
 Use hard collisions. More...
float SymmetryBreakingBias [get, set]
 Bias agents to pass each other on the right side. More...
- Properties inherited from ISimulator
float DesiredDeltaTime [get, set]
bool DoubleBuffering [get, set]
bool HardCollisions [get, set]
MovementPlane MovementPlane [get]
bool Multithreading [get]
float SymmetryBreakingBias [get, set]

Private Member Functions

void AllocateAgentSpace ()
void BlockUntilSimulationStepIsDone ()
 Blocks until separate threads have finished with the current simulation step. More...
void CleanAndUpdateObstaclesIfNecessary ()
void CleanObstacles ()
void PreCalculation ()
void ScheduleCleanObstacles ()

Private Attributes

Action [] agentPreCalculationCallbacks = new Action[0]
Agent [] agents = new Agent[0]
 Agents in this simulation. More...
AgentData currentSimulationData
 A copy of the the simulationData used when the calculations are running. More...
float deltaTime
float desiredDeltaTime = 0.05f
 Inverse desired simulation fps. More...
HorizonAgentData horizonAgentData
JobHandle inProgressJob
AgentOutputData inProgressOutputData
bool jobInProgress
float lastStep = -99999
int numAgents = 0
 Number of agents in this simulation. More...
TemporaryAgentData temporaryAgentData

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SimulatorBurst()

SimulatorBurst ( bool  doubleBuffering,
MovementPlane  movementPlane 

Create a new simulator.

workersUse the specified number of worker threads.
When the number zero is specified, no multithreading will be used. A good number is the number of cores on the machine.
doubleBufferingUse Double Buffering for calculations. Testing done with 5000 agents and 0.1 desired delta time showed that with double buffering enabled the game ran at 50 fps for most frames, dropping to 10 fps during calculation frames. But without double buffering it ran at around 10 fps all the time.
This will let threads calculate while the game progresses instead of waiting for the calculations to finish.
movementPlaneThe plane that the movement happens in. XZ for 3D games, XY for 2D games.
Will only have effect if using multithreading
See also

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAgent() [1/2]

IAgent AddAgent ( Vector2  position,
float  elevationCoordinate 

Add an agent at the specified position.

You can use the returned interface to read and write parameters and set for example radius and desired point to move to.

See also
positionSee IAgent.Position
elevationCoordinateSee IAgent.ElevationCoordinate

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AddAgent() [2/2]

IAgent AddAgent ( IAgent  agent)

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AddObstacle() [1/4]

ObstacleVertex AddObstacle ( ObstacleVertex  v)

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AddObstacle() [2/4]

ObstacleVertex AddObstacle ( Vector3 []  vertices,
float  height,
bool  cycle = true 

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AddObstacle() [3/4]

ObstacleVertex AddObstacle ( Vector3 []  vertices,
float  height,
Matrix4x4  matrix,
RVOLayer  layer = RVOLayer.DefaultObstacle,
bool  cycle = true 

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AddObstacle() [4/4]

ObstacleVertex AddObstacle ( Vector3  a,
Vector3  b,
float  height 

Implements ISimulator.

◆ AllocateAgentSpace()

void AllocateAgentSpace ( )

◆ BlockUntilSimulationStepIsDone()

void BlockUntilSimulationStepIsDone ( )

Blocks until separate threads have finished with the current simulation step.

When double buffering is done, the simulation is performed in between frames.

◆ CleanAndUpdateObstaclesIfNecessary()

void CleanAndUpdateObstaclesIfNecessary ( )

◆ CleanObstacles()

void CleanObstacles ( )

◆ ClearAgents()

void ClearAgents ( )

Removes all agents from the simulation.

Implements ISimulator.

◆ GetAgents()

IReadOnlyList<IAgent> GetAgents ( )

Get a list of all agents.

This is an internal list. I'm not going to be restrictive so you may access it since it is better for performance but please do not modify it since that can cause errors in the simulation.

Do not modify this list!

Implements ISimulator.

◆ GetObstacles()

List<ObstacleVertex> GetObstacles ( )

Get a list of all obstacles.

This is a list of obstacle vertices. Each vertex is part of a doubly linked list loop forming an obstacle polygon.

Do not modify this list!
See also

◆ OnDestroy()

void OnDestroy ( )

Frees all used memory.

You must call this when you are done with the simulator, otherwise some resources can linger and lead to memory leaks.

◆ PreCalculation()

void PreCalculation ( )

◆ RemoveAgent()

void RemoveAgent ( IAgent  agent)

Removes a specified agent from this simulation.

The agent can be added again later by using AddAgent.

See also

Implements ISimulator.

◆ RemoveObstacle()

void RemoveObstacle ( ObstacleVertex  v)

Implements ISimulator.

◆ ScheduleCleanObstacles()

void ScheduleCleanObstacles ( )

◆ Update()

void Update ( )

Should be called once per frame.

Implements ISimulator.

◆ UpdateObstacle()

void UpdateObstacle ( ObstacleVertex  obstacle,
Vector3 []  vertices,
Matrix4x4  matrix 

Implements ISimulator.

◆ UpdateObstacles()

void UpdateObstacles ( )

Rebuilds the obstacle tree at next simulation frame.

Add and remove obstacle functions call this automatically.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AgentBounds

Rect AgentBounds => quadtree.bounds

◆ AgentCount

int AgentCount => numAgents

Number of agents in the simulation.

◆ agentPreCalculationCallbacks

Action [] agentPreCalculationCallbacks = new Action[0]

◆ agents

Agent [] agents = new Agent[0]

Agents in this simulation.

◆ currentSimulationData

AgentData currentSimulationData

A copy of the the simulationData used when the calculations are running.

◆ deltaTime

float deltaTime

◆ DeltaTime

float DeltaTime => deltaTime

◆ desiredDeltaTime

float desiredDeltaTime = 0.05f

Inverse desired simulation fps.

See also

◆ horizonAgentData

HorizonAgentData horizonAgentData

◆ inProgressJob

JobHandle inProgressJob

◆ inProgressOutputData

AgentOutputData inProgressOutputData

◆ jobInProgress

bool jobInProgress

◆ lastStep

float lastStep = -99999

◆ MovementPlane

◆ movementPlane

readonly MovementPlane movementPlane = MovementPlane.XZ

Determines if the XY (2D) or XZ (3D) plane is used for movement.

◆ Multithreading

bool Multithreading => true

◆ numAgents

int numAgents = 0

Number of agents in this simulation.

◆ obstacles

List<ObstacleVertex> obstacles

Obstacles in this simulation.

◆ outputData

AgentOutputData outputData

Internal simulation data.

Can be used if you need very high performance access to the agent data. Normally you would use the SimulatorBurst.Agent class instead (implements the IAgent interface).

◆ quadtree

RVOQuadtreeBurst quadtree

Quadtree for this simulation.

Used internally by the simulation to perform fast neighbour lookups for each agent. Please only read from this tree, do not rebuild it since that can interfere with the simulation. It is rebuilt when necessary.

◆ simulationData

AgentData simulationData

Internal simulation data.

Can be used if you need very high performance access to the agent data. Normally you would use the SimulatorBurst.Agent class instead (implements the IAgent interface).

◆ temporaryAgentData

TemporaryAgentData temporaryAgentData

Property Documentation

◆ AnyAgentHasDebug

bool AnyAgentHasDebug
getprivate set

True if at least one agent had debug drawing enabled during the previous frame.

◆ DesiredDeltaTime

float DesiredDeltaTime

Time in seconds between each simulation step.

This is the desired delta time, the simulation will never run at a higher fps than the rate at which the Update function is called.

◆ DoubleBuffering

bool DoubleBuffering

Use double buffering.

◆ HardCollisions

bool HardCollisions

Use hard collisions.

◆ SymmetryBreakingBias

float SymmetryBreakingBias

Bias agents to pass each other on the right side.

If the desired velocity of an agent puts it on a collision course with another agent or an obstacle its desired velocity will be rotated this number of radians (1 radian is approximately 57°) to the right. This helps to break up symmetries and makes it possible to resolve some situations much faster.

When many agents have the same goal this can however have the side effect that the group clustered around the target point may as a whole start to spin around the target point.

Recommended values are in the range of 0 to 0.2.

If this value is negative, the agents will be biased towards passing each other on the left side instead.

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