override GraphTransform | CalculateTransform () |
| Returns a new transform which transforms graph space to world space.
GraphUpdateThreading | CanUpdateAsync (GraphUpdateObject o) |
override void | DeserializeSettingsCompatibility (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| An old format for serializing settings.
void | ScanInternal (string objMeshPath) |
| Scans the graph using the path to an .obj mesh.
override IEnumerable< Progress > | ScanInternal () |
| Internal method to scan the graph.
void | UpdateArea (GraphUpdateObject o) |
void | UpdateAreaInit (GraphUpdateObject o) |
void | UpdateAreaPost (GraphUpdateObject o) |
override void | DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Deserializes graph type specific node data.
void | EndBatchTileUpdate () |
| End batch updating of tiles.
override NNInfoInternal | GetNearest (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, GraphNode hint) |
| Returns the nearest node to a position using the specified NNConstraint.
override NNInfoInternal | GetNearestForce (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) |
| Returns the nearest node to a position using the specified constraint .
override void | GetNodes (System.Action< GraphNode > action) |
| Calls a delegate with all nodes in the graph.
NavmeshTile | GetTile (int x, int z) |
| Tile at the specified x, z coordinate pair.
Bounds | GetTileBounds (IntRect rect) |
| Returns an XZ bounds object with the bounds of a group of tiles.
Bounds | GetTileBounds (int x, int z, int width=1, int depth=1) |
| Returns an XZ bounds object with the bounds of a group of tiles.
Bounds | GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace (IntRect rect) |
Bounds | GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace (int x, int z, int width=1, int depth=1) |
| Returns an XZ bounds object with the bounds of a group of tiles in graph space.
void | GetTileCoordinates (int tileIndex, out int x, out int z) |
| Tile coordinates from a tile index.
Int2 | GetTileCoordinates (Vector3 p) |
| Returns the tile coordinate which contains the point p.
NavmeshTile[] | GetTiles () |
| All tiles.
IntRect | GetTouchingTiles (Bounds bounds) |
| Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles touching the specified bounds.
IntRect | GetTouchingTilesInGraphSpace (Rect rect) |
| Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles touching the specified bounds.
IntRect | GetTouchingTilesRound (Bounds bounds) |
| Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles by rounding the specified bounds to tile borders.
Int3 | GetVertex (int index) |
| Vertex coordinate for the specified vertex index.
int | GetVertexArrayIndex (int index) |
Int3 | GetVertexInGraphSpace (int index) |
| Vertex coordinate in graph space for the specified vertex index.
bool | Linecast (Vector3 origin, Vector3 end) |
| Returns if there is an obstacle between origin and end on the graph.
bool | Linecast (Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) |
| Returns if there is an obstacle between origin and end on the graph.
bool | Linecast (Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint) |
| Returns if there is an obstacle between origin and end on the graph.
bool | Linecast (Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List< GraphNode > trace) |
| Returns if there is an obstacle between origin and end on the graph.
override void | OnDestroy () |
| Function for cleaning up references.
override void | OnDrawGizmos (Pathfinding.Util.RetainedGizmos gizmos, bool drawNodes) |
GraphNode | PointOnNavmesh (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) |
| Finds the first node which contains position.
override void | PostDeserialization () |
| Called after all deserialization has been done for all graphs.
override void | RelocateNodes (Matrix4x4 deltaMatrix) |
| Moves the nodes in this graph.
void | RelocateNodes (GraphTransform newTransform) |
| Moves the nodes in this graph.
void | ReplaceTile (int x, int z, Int3[] verts, int[] tris) |
| Replace tile at index with nodes created from specified navmesh.
void | ReplaceTile (int x, int z, int w, int d, Int3[] verts, int[] tris) |
| Replaces a tile with a new mesh.
override void | SerializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Serializes Node Info.
void | StartBatchTileUpdate () |
| Start batch updating of tiles.
virtual int | CountNodes () |
| Number of nodes in the graph.
NNInfoInternal | GetNearest (Vector3 position) |
| Returns the nearest node to a position using the default NNConstraint.
NNInfoInternal | GetNearest (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) |
| Returns the nearest node to a position using the specified NNConstraint.
void | GetNodes (System.Func< GraphNode, bool > action) |
| Calls a delegate with all nodes in the graph until the delegate returns false.
virtual void | OnDrawGizmos (RetainedGizmos gizmos, bool drawNodes) |
| Draw gizmos for the graph.
void | RelocateNodes (Matrix4x4 oldMatrix, Matrix4x4 newMatrix) |
| Moves nodes in this graph.
void | Scan () |
void | ScanGraph () |
| Partially scan the graph.
void | SetMatrix (Matrix4x4 m) |
| Use to set both matrix and inverseMatrix at the same time.
void | GetNodes (System.Action< GraphNode > del) |
void | GetTileCoordinates (int tileIndex, out int x, out int z) |
Int3 | GetVertex (int i) |
int | GetVertexArrayIndex (int index) |
Int3 | GetVertexInGraphSpace (int i) |
bool | Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end) |
bool | Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint) |
bool | Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) |
bool | Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List< GraphNode > trace) |
GraphUpdateThreading | CanUpdateAsync (GraphUpdateObject o) |
void | UpdateArea (GraphUpdateObject o) |
| Updates an area using the specified GraphUpdateObject.
void | UpdateAreaInit (GraphUpdateObject o) |
| May be called on the Unity thread before starting the update.
void | UpdateAreaPost (GraphUpdateObject o) |
| May be called on the Unity thread after executing the update.