A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
AI for following paths. More...
AI for following paths.
This AI is the default movement script which comes with the A* Pathfinding Project. It is in no way required by the rest of the system, so feel free to write your own. But I hope this script will make it easier to set up movement for the characters in your game. This script is not written for high performance, so I do not recommend using it for large groups of units.
This script will try to follow a target transform, in regular intervals, the path to that target will be recalculated. It will on FixedUpdate try to move towards the next point in the path. However it will only move in the forward direction, but it will rotate around it's Y-axis to make it reach the target.
In the inspector in Unity, you will see a bunch of variables. You can view detailed information further down, but here's a quick overview.
The repathRate determines how often it will search for new paths, if you have fast moving targets, you might want to set it to a lower value.
The target variable is where the AI will try to move, it can be a point on the ground where the player has clicked in an RTS for example. Or it can be the player object in a zombie game.
The speed is self-explanatory, so is turningSpeed, however slowdownDistance might require some explanation. It is the approximate distance from the target where the AI will start to slow down. Note that this doesn't only affect the end point of the path but also any intermediate points, so be sure to set forwardLook and pickNextWaypointDist to a higher value than this.
pickNextWaypointDist is simply determines within what range it will switch to target the next waypoint in the path.
forwardLook will try to calculate an interpolated target point on the current segment in the path so that it has a distance of forwardLook from the AI
Below is an image illustrating several variables as well as some internal ones, but which are relevant for understanding how it works. Note that the forwardLook range will not match up exactly with the target point practically, even though that's the goal.
Public Member Functions | |
virtual Vector3 | GetFeetPosition () |
void | OnDisable () |
virtual void | OnPathComplete (Path _p) |
Called when a requested path has finished calculation. | |
virtual void | OnTargetReached () |
virtual void | SearchPath () |
Requests a path to the target. | |
float | TrySearchPath () |
Tries to search for a path. | |
virtual void | Update () |
Public Attributes | |
bool | canMove = true |
Enables or disables movement. | |
bool | canSearch = true |
Enables or disables searching for paths. | |
bool | closestOnPathCheck = true |
Do a closest point on path check when receiving path callback. | |
float | endReachedDistance = 0.2F |
Distance to the end point to consider the end of path to be reached. | |
float | forwardLook = 1 |
Target point is Interpolated on the current segment in the path so that it has a distance of forwardLook from the AI. | |
float | pickNextWaypointDist = 2 |
Determines within what range it will switch to target the next waypoint in the path. | |
float | repathRate = 0.5F |
Determines how often it will search for new paths. | |
float | slowdownDistance = 0.6F |
Distance from the target point where the AI will start to slow down. | |
float | speed = 3 |
Maximum velocity. | |
Transform | target |
Target to move towards. | |
float | turningSpeed = 5 |
Rotation speed. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | Awake () |
Initializes reference variables. | |
Vector3 | CalculateTargetPoint (Vector3 p, Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
Calculates target point from the current line segment. | |
Vector3 | CalculateVelocity (Vector3 currentPosition) |
Calculates desired velocity. | |
virtual void | OnEnable () |
Run at start and when reenabled. | |
IEnumerator | RepeatTrySearchPath () |
Tries to search for a path every repathRate seconds. | |
virtual void | RotateTowards (Vector3 dir) |
Rotates in the specified direction. | |
virtual void | Start () |
Starts searching for paths. | |
float | XZSqrMagnitude (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | canSearchAgain = true |
Only when the previous path has been returned should be search for a new path. | |
CharacterController | controller |
Cached CharacterController component. | |
int | currentWaypointIndex = 0 |
Current index in the path which is current target. | |
Vector3 | lastFoundWaypointPosition |
float | lastFoundWaypointTime = -9999 |
float | lastRepath = -9999 |
Time when the last path request was sent. | |
float | minMoveScale = 0.05F |
Path | path |
Current path which is followed. | |
Rigidbody | rigid |
Cached Rigidbody component. | |
RVOController | rvoController |
Seeker | seeker |
Cached Seeker component. | |
Vector3 | targetDirection |
Relative direction to where the AI is heading. | |
Vector3 | targetPoint |
Point to where the AI is heading. | |
bool | targetReached = false |
Holds if the end-of-path is reached. | |
Transform | tr |
Cached Transform component. | |
Properties | |
bool | TargetReached [get] |
Returns if the end-of-path has been reached. | |
Private Attributes | |
bool | startHasRun = false |
Holds if the Start function has been run. | |
protectedvirtual |
Initializes reference variables.
If you override this function you should in most cases call base.Awake () at the start of it.
protected |
Calculates target point from the current line segment.
p | Current position |
a | Line segment start |
b | Line segment end The returned point will lie somewhere on the line segment. |
protected |
Calculates desired velocity.
Finds the target path segment and returns the forward direction, scaled with speed. A whole bunch of restrictions on the velocity is applied to make sure it doesn't overshoot, does not look too far ahead, and slows down when close to the target. /see speed /see endReachedDistance /see slowdownDistance /see CalculateTargetPoint /see targetPoint /see targetDirection /see currentWaypointIndex
virtual |
Reimplemented in MineBotAI.
void OnDisable | ( | ) |
protectedvirtual |
virtual |
Called when a requested path has finished calculation.
A path is first requested by SearchPath, it is then calculated, probably in the same or the next frame. Finally it is returned to the seeker which forwards it to this function.
virtual |
Reimplemented in MineBotAI.
protected |
Tries to search for a path every repathRate seconds.
protectedvirtual |
virtual |
Requests a path to the target.
protectedvirtual |
Starts searching for paths.
If you override this function you should in most cases call base.Start () at the start of it.
Reimplemented in MineBotAI.
float TrySearchPath | ( | ) |
Tries to search for a path.
Will search for a new path if there was a sufficient time since the last repath and both canSearchAgain and canSearch are true and there is a target.
virtual |
Reimplemented in MineBotAI.
protected |
bool canMove = true |
Enables or disables movement.
bool canSearch = true |
Enables or disables searching for paths.
Setting this to false does not stop any active path requests from being calculated or stop it from continuing to follow the current path.
protected |
Only when the previous path has been returned should be search for a new path.
bool closestOnPathCheck = true |
Do a closest point on path check when receiving path callback.
Usually the AI has moved a bit between requesting the path, and getting it back, and there is usually a small gap between the AI and the closest node. If this option is enabled, it will simulate, when the path callback is received, movement between the closest node and the current AI position. This helps to reduce the moments when the AI just get a new path back, and thinks it ought to move backwards to the start of the new path even though it really should just proceed forward.
protected |
Cached CharacterController component.
protected |
Current index in the path which is current target.
float endReachedDistance = 0.2F |
Distance to the end point to consider the end of path to be reached.
When this has been reached, the AI will not move anymore until the target changes and OnTargetReached will be called.
float forwardLook = 1 |
Target point is Interpolated on the current segment in the path so that it has a distance of forwardLook from the AI.
See the detailed description of AIPath for an illustrative image
protected |
protected |
protected |
Time when the last path request was sent.
protected |
protected |
Current path which is followed.
float pickNextWaypointDist = 2 |
Determines within what range it will switch to target the next waypoint in the path.
float repathRate = 0.5F |
Determines how often it will search for new paths.
If you have fast moving targets or AIs, you might want to set it to a lower value. The value is in seconds between path requests.
protected |
Cached Rigidbody component.
protected |
float slowdownDistance = 0.6F |
Distance from the target point where the AI will start to slow down.
Note that this doesn't only affect the end point of the path but also any intermediate points, so be sure to set forwardLook and pickNextWaypointDist to a higher value than this
float speed = 3 |
Maximum velocity.
This is the maximum speed in world units per second.
private |
Holds if the Start function has been run.
Used to test if coroutines should be started in OnEnable to prevent calculating paths in the awake stage (or rather before start on frame 0).
Transform target |
Target to move towards.
The AI will try to follow/move towards this target. It can be a point on the ground where the player has clicked in an RTS for example, or it can be the player object in a zombie game.
protected |
Relative direction to where the AI is heading.
Filled in by CalculateVelocity
protected |
Point to where the AI is heading.
Filled in by CalculateVelocity
protected |
Holds if the end-of-path is reached.
protected |
Cached Transform component.
float turningSpeed = 5 |
Rotation speed.
Rotation is calculated using Quaternion.SLerp. This variable represents the damping, the higher, the faster it will be able to rotate.
get |
Returns if the end-of-path has been reached.