Namespace Drawing



Helper for adding project settings.

Custom Universal Render Pipeline Render Pass for ALINE.

Builder for drawing commands.

2D wrapper for a CommandBuilder.

Some static fields that need to be in a separate class because Burst doesn't support them.

Methods for easily drawing things in the editor and in standalone games.

Helper for drawing Gizmos in a performant way.

Global script which draws debug items and gizmos.

Stores ALINE project settings.

Various high-level utilities that are useful when drawing things.

Job to build the geometry from a stream of rendering commands.

Info about the current selection in the editor.

Every object that wants to draw gizmos should implement this interface.

Specifies text alignment relative to an anchor point.

Some static fields that need to be in a separate class because Burst doesn't support them.

Inherit from this class to draw gizmos.

Collections of colors.

Used to cache drawing data over multiple frames.

Public Enums


Maximum allowed delay for a job that is drawing to a command buffer.


Public Typedefs
