Class PointGraph Extends NavGraph, IUpdatableGraph
Graph consisting of a set of points.
The point graph is the most basic graph structure, it consists of a number of interconnected points in space called nodes or waypoints.
The point graph takes a Transform object as "root", this Transform will be searched for child objects, every child object will be treated as a node. If recursive is enabled, it will also search the child objects of the children recursively. It will then check if any connections between the nodes can be made, first it will check if the distance between the nodes isn't too large (maxDistance) and then it will check if the axis aligned distance isn't too high. The axis aligned distance, named limits, is useful because usually an AI cannot climb very high, but linking nodes far away from each other, but on the same Y level should still be possible. limits and maxDistance are treated as being set to infinity if they are set to 0 (zero).
Lastly it will check if there are any obstructions between the nodes using raycasting which can optionally be thick.
One thing to think about when using raycasting is to either place the nodes a small distance above the ground in your scene or to make sure that the ground is not in the raycast mask to avoid the raycast from hitting the ground.
Alternatively, a tag can be used to search for nodes.
For larger graphs, it can take quite some time to scan the graph with the default settings. You can enable optimizeForSparseGraph which will in most cases reduce the calculation times drastically.
Does not support linecast because the nodes do not have a surface.
Children of this transform are treated as nodes.
Recursively search for child nodes to the root.
If no root is set, all nodes with the tag is used as nodes.
Max distance for a connection to be valid.
Max distance along the axis for a connection to be valid.
Use raycasts to filter connections.
Use the 2D Physics API.
Use thick raycast.
Thick raycast radius.
Layer mask to use for raycasting.
Optimizes the graph for sparse graphs.
Distance query mode.
Default penalty to apply to all nodes.
Inner Types
Public Methods
Rebuilds a cache used when nearestNodeDistanceMode = NodeDistanceMode.Connection.
Ensures the graph knows that there is a connection with this length.
Public Variables
True if the graph has been scanned and contains nodes.
Max distance along the axis for a connection to be valid.
Layer mask to use for raycasting.
Max distance for a connection to be valid.
Distance query mode.
Number of nodes in this graph.
All nodes in this graph.
Optimizes the graph for sparse graphs.
Use raycasts to filter connections.
Children of this transform are treated as nodes.
Use thick raycast.
Thick raycast radius.
Use the 2D Physics API.
Public Enums
Distance query mode.
Inherited Public Members
Lower bound on the squared distance from the given point to the closest node in this graph.
World bounding box for the graph.
Enable to draw gizmos in the Unity scene view.
Index of the graph, used for identification purposes.
Used as an ID of the graph, considered to be unique.
Used in the editor to check if the info screen is open.
Default penalty to apply to all nodes.
Name of the graph.
Is the graph open in the editor.
True if the graph will be included when serializing graph data.
True if the graph should be visible in the editor.
Private/Protected Members
Throws an exception if it is not safe to update internal graph data right now.
Calculates connections for all nodes in the graph.
True if the graph exists, false if it has been destroyed.
Longest known connection.