A* Pathfinding Project  4.1.20
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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Related Pages
Here is a list of all related documentation pages:
[detail level 123]
oGraph TypesBrief overview of the different graph types
oSpherical WorldsTutorial on how to use pathfinding on non-planar surfaces
oBeginner Tutorials
|oGet Started With The A* Pathfinding ProjectGet Started with the A* Pathfinding Project
||\Writing a movement scriptTutorial for writing a simple custom movement script
|oUsing navmeshesGetting Started with the A* Pathfinding Project - Part 2 - Navmeshes
||oCreating a navmesh manuallyThis tutorial shows how you can model a navmesh in an external 3D modelling program such as Blender
||\Automatically generating a navmeshThis tutorial shows how you use a RecastGraph to automatically generate a navmesh for your game
|oSearching for paths
|oUsing nodesIntroduction to how to use nodes
|oDeploying for mobile/uwpThis page is about working with the A* Pathfinding Project when deploying for iPhone/Android or UWP (Universal Windows Platform)
|oWorking with JavascriptHow to use the A* Pathfinding Project from Js
|oUsing ModifiersModifiers are small scripts which can hook in to the Seeker and pre and or post process the path before it is returned to the caller
|oPathfinding in 2DThis page shows how to get pathfinding working in a 2D game
|\Error messagesDetailed explanations of various error messages that you may see when using the package
oAdditional Tutorials
|oNavmesh CuttingTutorial on navmesh cutting
|oLocal AvoidanceHow to use the local avoidance in the A* Pathfinding Project
||oCustom Local Avoidance Movement ScriptThis page explains how to integrate local avoidance in your own movement scripts
||\Writing RVO CollidersHow to write custom local avoidance obstacles
|oWorking with tagsExplains how tags can be used to restrict where different characters can walk
|oGraph Updates during Runtime
|oWandering AI TutorialTutorial on how to make a wandering AI
|oBitmask TutorialA short tutorial on bitmasks
|oUtilities for turn-based games
|oOptimizationSome tips on how to improve performance
||oHeuristic OptimizationA tutorial on how to use heuristic optimization to gain significant speedups
||oPoolingObject pooling is used to decrease the load on the garbage collector
||\Compiler DirectivesIn the pro version of the A* Pathfinding Project there is a tab called "Optimization" in the A* Inspector
|oSaving and Loading GraphsHow to precalculate graphs and store that data
|oExtending The SystemThe system can be extended in various ways
||oWriting Graph GeneratorsAll graphs in the A* Pathfinding Project are written as add-ons to the system, this makes it (relatively) easy to add your own specialized graph types
||\Writing ModifiersModifiers are small scripts which post-process paths to for example simplify or smooth them
|oAccessing graph dataHow to access graphs and nodes
|oMultiple agent typesThis page explains how to handle different agent types, such as agents of different sizes
|\Pathfinding from editor scriptsThis page shows how to get pathfinding working outside of play mode from e.g an editor script
|oUpgrade Guide
|oFrequently Asked Questions
|oFast FactsJust some random facts about the system:
|\Keyboard Shortcuts
oTodo List
oDeprecated List
\Bug List