Deprecated List
Class AdvancedSmooth
This modifier is deprecated
Member AIBase.canSearch
This has been superseded by autoRepath.mode.
Member AIBase.centerOffset
Use the height property instead (2x this value)
Member AIBase.repathRate
This has been renamed to autoRepath.period.
Member AIBase.rotationIn2D
Use orientation instead
In 4.1 this will automatically add a AIDestinationSetter component and set the target on that component. Try instead to use the destination property which does not require a transform to be created as the target or use the AIDestinationSetter component directly.
Member AILerp.canSearch
This has been superseded by autoRepath.mode.
Member AILerp.ForceSearchPath ()
Use SearchPath instead.
Member AILerp.OnTargetReached ()
Avoid overriding this method. Instead poll the reachedDestination or reachedEndOfPath properties.
Member AILerp.repathRate
This has been renamed to autoRepath.period.
Member AILerp.rotationIn2D
Use orientation instead
In 4.0 this will automatically add a AIDestinationSetter component and set the target on that component. Try instead to use the destination property which does not require a transform to be created as the target or use the AIDestinationSetter component directly.
Member AIPath.OnTargetReached ()
Avoid overriding this method. Instead poll the reachedDestination or reachedEndOfPath properties.
Member AstarPath.prioritizeGraphs
This setting has been removed. It was always a bit of a hack. Use NNConstraint.graphMask if you want to choose which graphs are searched.
Member AstarPath.prioritizeGraphsLimit
This setting has been removed. It was always a bit of a hack. Use NNConstraint.graphMask if you want to choose which graphs are searched.
Member AstarSerializer.SerializeNodes ()
Not used anymore
Member FollowerEntity.canSearch
This has been superseded by autoRepath.mode.
Member GraphCollision.rayDirection
Only the Both mode is supported now.
Member GraphNode.GetPortal (GraphNode other, List< Vector3 > left, List< Vector3 > right, bool backwards)
Use GetPortal(GraphNode, out Vector3, out Vector3) instead
Member GraphUpdateObject.RevertFromBackup ()
Use AstarPath.Snapshot instead
Member GraphUpdateObject.trackChangedNodes
This field does not do anything anymore. Use AstarPath.Snapshot instead.
Member GridGraph.CalculateConnections (GridNodeBase node)
This method is very slow since 4.3.80. Use RecalculateConnectionsInRegion or RecalculateAllConnections instead to batch connection recalculations.
Member GridGraph.CalculateConnections (int x, int z)
This method is very slow since 4.3.80. Use RecalculateConnectionsInRegion instead to batch connection recalculations.
Member GridGraph.Linecast (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint)
The hint parameter is deprecated
Member GridGraph.Linecast (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit)
The hint parameter is deprecated
Member GridGraph.Linecast (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit, List< GraphNode > trace, System.Func< GraphNode, bool > filter=null)
The hint parameter is deprecated
Member GridGraph.maxClimb
This field has been renamed to maxStepHeight
Member GridGraph.penaltyAngle
Use the RuleAnglePenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.penaltyAngleFactor
Use the RuleAnglePenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.penaltyAnglePower
Use the RuleAnglePenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.penaltyPosition
Use the RuleElevationPenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.penaltyPositionFactor
Use the RuleElevationPenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.penaltyPositionOffset
Use the RuleElevationPenalty class instead
Member GridGraph.SnappedLinecast (Vector3 from, Vector3 to, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit)
Use Linecast instead.
Member GridGraph.textureData
Use the RuleTexture class instead
Member GridGraphRules.Add (GridGraphRule.Pass pass, System.Action< Context > action)
Use AddJobSystemPass or AddMainThreadPass instead
Member GridGraphScanData.bounds
Use nodes.bounds or heightHitsBounds depending on if you are using the heightHits array or not
Member GridGraphScanData.layeredDataLayout
Use nodes.layeredDataLayout instead
Member GridNode.GetConnectionInternal (int dir)
Member IRaycastableGraph.Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphNode startNodeHint)
Member IRaycastableGraph.Linecast (Vector3 start, Vector3 end, GraphNode startNodeHint, out GraphHitInfo hit)
Member IWorkItemContext.QueueFloodFill ()
Avoid using. This will force a full recalculation of the connected components. In most cases the HierarchicalGraph class takes care of things automatically behind the scenes now. In pretty much all cases you should be able to remove the call to this function.
Member LevelGridNode.GetConnection (int i)
Use HasConnectionInDirection instead
Class MineBotAI
This script has been replaced by Pathfinding.Examples.MineBotAnimation. Any uses of this script in the Unity editor will be automatically replaced by one AIPath component and one MineBotAnimation component.
Member NavGraph.GetNearestForce (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint)
Use GetNearest instead
Member NavGraph.ScanInternal ()
You should use ScanInternal(bool) instead.
Member NavmeshBase.nearestSearchOnlyXZ
Set the appropriate fields on the NNConstraint instead.
Member NNConstraint.Default
Use NNConstraint.Walkable instead. It is equivalent, but the name is more descriptive.
Member NNConstraint.distanceXZ
Use distanceMetric = DistanceMetric.ClosestAsSeenFromAbove() instead
Member NNInfo.clampedPosition
This field has been renamed to position
Class ProceduralGridMover
Use ProceduralGraphMover instead
Member RecastMeshObj.area
Member RichAI.OnTargetReached ()
Avoid overriding this method. Instead poll the reachedDestination or reachedEndOfPath properties.
Member RVOController.enableRotation
Member RVOController.ForceSetVelocity (Vector3 velocity)
Set the velocity property instead
Member RVOController.mask
Member RVOController.maxSpeed
Member RVOController.rotationSpeed
Member RVOController.Teleport (Vector3 pos)
Use transform.position instead, the RVOController can now handle that without any issues.
Member RVOController.wallAvoidFalloff
This feature is currently disabled as it didn't work that well and was tricky to support after some changes to the RVO system. It may be enabled again in a future version.
Member RVOController.wallAvoidForce
This feature is currently disabled as it didn't work that well and was tricky to support after some changes to the RVO system. It may be enabled again in a future version.
Class RVONavmesh
This component is deprecated. Local avoidance colliders never worked particularly well and the performance was poor. Modify the graphs instead so that pathfinding takes obstacles into account.
Class RVOObstacle
This component is deprecated. Local avoidance colliders never worked particularly well and the performance was poor. Modify the graphs instead so that pathfinding takes obstacles into account.
Member RVOSimulator.doubleBuffering
Double buffering has been removed
Class RVOSquareObstacle
This component is deprecated. Local avoidance colliders never worked particularly well and the performance was poor. Modify the graphs instead so that pathfinding takes obstacles into account.
Member Seeker.pathCallback
Pass a callback every time to the StartPath method instead, or use ai.SetPath+ai.pathPending on the movement script. You can cache it in your own script if you want to avoid the GC allocation of creating a new delegate.
Member SimulatorBurst.AddAgent (Vector2 position, float elevationCoordinate)
Use AddAgent(Vector3) instead
Member SimulatorBurst.AddAgent (IAgent agent)
Use AddAgent(Vector3) instead
Member StartEndModifier.Interpolate
Use NodeConnection instead.
Member WorkItemProcessor.QueueFloodFill ()
This method no longer does anything.
Class XPath
Use an ABPath with the ABPath.endingCondition field instead.