Class TileHandler
Utility class for updating tiles of navmesh/recast graphs.
Most operations that this class does are asynchronous. They will be added as work items to the AstarPath class and executed when the pathfinding threads have finished calculating their current paths.
Inner Types
Public Methods
Clear the tile at the specified tile coordinates.
Rotation of the specified tile relative to the original rotation of the tile type.
Load a tile at tile coordinate x, z.
Call to update the specified tiles with new information based on the navmesh/recast graph.
Register that a tile can be loaded from source.
Reloads all tiles intersecting with the specified bounds.
Reloads all tiles specified by the rectangle.
Reload tile at tile coordinate.
Start batch loading.
Public Variables
The underlaying graph which is handled by this instance.
True if the tile handler still has the same number of tiles and tile layout as the graph.
Public Enums
Private/Protected Members
Clips the input polygon against a rectangle with one corner at the origin and one at size in XZ space.
Copy mesh from (vertices, triangles) to (outVertices, outTriangles)
Cuts a piece of navmesh using navmesh cuts.
Refine a mesh using delaunay refinement.
Generates a list of cuts from the navmesh cut components.
Offsets along the Y axis of the active tiles.
Rotations of the active tiles.
Which tile type is active on each tile index.
Positive while batching tile updates.
Cached dictionary to avoid excessive allocations.
Handles polygon clipping operations.
True while batching tile updates.
A flag for each tile that is set to true if it has been reloaded while batching is in progress.
Utility for clipping polygons to rectangles.
Number of tiles along the x axis.
Number of tiles along the z axis.