Class MineBotAI Extends AIPath
AI controller specifically made for the spider robot.
This script has been replaced by Pathfinding.Examples.MineBotAnimation. Any uses of this script in the Unity editor will be automatically replaced by one AIPath component and one MineBotAnimation component.
Public Variables
Animation component.
Speed relative to velocity with which to play animations.
Effect which will be instantiated when end of path is reached.
Minimum velocity for moving.
Inherited Public Members
Draws detailed gizmos constantly in the scene view instead of only when the agent is selected and settings are being modified.
Enables or disables movement completely.
Enables or disables recalculating the path at regular intervals.
Ensure that the character is always on the traversable surface of the navmesh.
Velocity that this agent wants to move with.
Position in the world that this agent should move to.
If true, the AI will rotate to face the movement direction.
Distance to the end point to consider the end of path to be reached.
Moves the agent to a position.
Looks for any attached components like RVOController and CharacterController etc.
Position of the base of the character.
Gravity to use.
Layer mask to use for ground placement.
True if this agent currently has a path that it follows.
Radius of the agent in world units.
Gets or sets if the agent should stop moving.
How quickly the agent accelerates.
Max speed in world units per second.
Move the agent.
Plane which this agent is moving in.
Calculate how the character wants to move during this frame.
Called when the agent recalculates its path.
The end of the path has been reached.
Determines which direction the agent moves in.
True if a path is currently being calculated.
How far the AI looks ahead along the path to determine the point it moves to.
Position of the agent.
Height of the agent in world units.
True if the agent has reached the end of the current path.
Remaining distance along the current path to the end of the path.
Determines how often the agent will search for new paths (in seconds).
Rotation of the agent.
Rotation speed in degrees per second.
Recalculate the current path.
Make the AI follow the specified path.
Simulates rotating the agent towards the specified direction and returns the new rotation.
Distance from the end of the path where the AI will start to slow down.
Slow down when not facing the target direction.
Point on the path which the agent is currently moving towards.
Instantly move the agent to a new position.
Determines if the character's position should be coupled to the Transform's position.
Determines if the character's rotation should be coupled to the Transform's rotation.
Actual velocity that the agent is moving with.
Private/Protected Members
Accelerates the agent downwards.
Calculates how far to move during a single frame.
Outputs the start point and end point of the next automatic path request.
Constrains the character's position to lie on the navmesh.
Clears the current path of the agent.
Cached CharacterController component.
Called every physics update.
Helper which calculates points along the current path.
Amount which the character wants or tried to move with during the last frame.
Delta time used for movement during the last frame.
Time when the last path request was started.
Called during either Update or FixedUpdate depending on if rigidbodies are used for movement or not.
Called when the component is enabled.
Called when a requested path has been calculated.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Current path which is followed.
Position of the character at the end of the last frame.
Position of the character at the end of the frame before the last frame.
Checks if the character is grounded and prevents ground penetration.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Cached Rigidbody component.
Cached Rigidbody component.
Cached RVOController component.
True if the path should be automatically recalculated as soon as possible.
Position of the agent.
Rotation of the agent.
Simulates rotating the agent towards the specified direction and returns the new rotation.
Starts searching for paths.
Cached Transform component.
Called every frame.
Indicates if gravity is used during this frame.
Current desired velocity of the agent (does not include local avoidance and physics).
Velocity due to gravity.
Only when the previous path has been calculated should the script consider searching for a new path.