Class Seeker Extends VersionedMonoBehaviour
Handles path calls for a single unit.
This is a component which is meant to be attached to a single unit (AI, Robot, Player, whatever) to handle its pathfinding calls. It also handles post-processing of paths using modifiers.

Public Methods
Stop calculating the current path request.
Called by modifiers when they are disabled or destroyed.
Is the current path done calculating.
Cleans up some variables.
Post Processes the path.
Called by modifiers to register themselves.
Releases the path used for gizmos (if any).
Runs modifiers on a path.
Starts a Multi Target Path from one start point to multiple end points.
Starts a Multi Target Path from multiple start points to a single target point.
Call this function to start calculating a path.
Call this function to start calculating a path.
Call this function to start calculating a path.
Call this function to start calculating a path.
Call this function to start calculating a path.
Public Variables
Enables drawing of the non-postprocessed path using Gizmos.
Enables drawing of the last calculated path using Gizmos.
Callback for when a path is completed.
Called after a path has been calculated, right before modifiers are executed.
Called before pathfinding is started.
Penalties for each tag.
Public Enums
Private/Protected Members
Initializes a few variables.
Used for drawing gizmos.
Used for drawing gizmos.
The path ID of the last path queried.
Internal list of all modifiers.
Cached delegate to avoid allocating one every time a path is started.
Called when a path has completed.
Called when a path has completed.
Cached delegate to avoid allocating one every time a path is started.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
The current path.
Previous path.
Internal method to start a path and mark it as the currently active path.
Temporary callback only called for the current path.
Deprecated Members
Returns a new path instance.