A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
Changelog | |
Accessing graph data | All data in the graphs can be accessed |
Searching for paths | |
Keyboard Shortcuts | |
Extending The System | The system can be extended in various ways |
Writing Graph Generators | All graphs in the A* Pathfinding Project are written as add-ons to the system, this makes it (relatively) easy to add your own specialized graph types |
Writing Modifiers | Modifiers are small scripts which post-process paths to for example simplify or smooth them |
Modifier Guidelines | This page lists the guidelines to keep in mind when writing path modifiers, to help minimize bugs and keep compability between modifiers high |
Frequently Asked Questions | |
Fast Facts | Just some random facts about the system: |
Get Started With The A* Pathfinding Project | Get Started with the A* Pathfinding Project |
Get Started Part 2 | Getting Started with the A* Pathfinding Project - Part 2 - Navmeshes |
Graph Types | There are several different graph types included in the project, and there is the availability to create your own |
Deploying for mobile | This page is about working with the A* Pathfinding Project when deploying for iPhone/Android |
Working with Javascript | The A* Pathfinding Project is written in C#, but it can be used from Javascript (Unityscript) by the click of a button |
Local Avoidance | How to use the local avoidance in the A* Pathfinding Project |
Writing RVO Colliders | If you read the Local Avoidance tutorial, you should have been through the step where you added an RVOSimulator |
Navmesh Cutting | Navmesh cutting is used for fast recast graph updates. |
Optimization | There are various ways to increase the performance of the system |
Heuristic Optimization | A tutorial on how to use heuristic optimization to gain significant speedups |
Pooling | Object pooling for performance |
Compiler Directives | In the pro version of the A* Pathfinding Project there is a tab called "Optimization" in the A* Inspector |
Saving and Loading Graphs | Saving and Loading Graphs |
Working with tags | Tagging nodes and areas is a powerful feature |
Graph Updates during Runtime | |
Upgrade Guide | |
Using Modifiers | Modifiers are small scripts which can hook in to the Seeker and pre and or post process the path before it is returned to the caller |
Todo List | |
Deprecated List | |
Bug List |