A* Pathfinding Project  3.1.4
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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BBTree Member List

This is the complete list of members for BBTree, including all inherited members.

BBTree(INavmesh graph) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
ExpandToContain(Rect r, Rect r2)BBTree
ExpansionRequired(Rect r, Rect r2)BBTree
graph (defined in BBTree)BBTree
Insert(MeshNode node) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
NodeIntersectsCircle(MeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
OnDrawGizmos() (defined in BBTree)BBTree
OnDrawGizmos(BBTreeBox box) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
Query(Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
QueryCircle(Vector3 p, float radius, NNConstraint constraint)BBTree
RectArea(Rect r)BBTree
RectContains(Rect r, Vector3 p)BBTree
RectIntersectsCircle(Rect r, Vector3 p, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
SearchBox(BBTreeBox box, Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint, ref NNInfo nnInfo) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
SearchBoxCircle(BBTreeBox box, Vector3 p, float radius, NNConstraint constraint, ref NNInfo nnInfo) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
TestIntersections(Vector3 p, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
TestIntersections(BBTreeBox box, Vector3 p, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
ToString() (defined in BBTree)BBTree
XIntersectsCircle(float x1, float x2, float zpos, Vector3 circle, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree
ZIntersectsCircle(float z1, float z2, float xpos, Vector3 circle, float radius) (defined in BBTree)BBTree