Hello there. I d like to make a paint application in unity. it so simple game. just brush, brush size, colors and eraser. but I cant find a way to do it. I am a begineer on this program. I am a graphic designer. How can I contact you about this situation? Do you help me ?
Eva says:
Hi, my name is Eva and i been trying to find how to make a paint game with paintbucket, but i dont see anything. I want to now if you have any tips that helps me to develop this in unity. Thanks.
Bunny83 says:
Hi, just in case you still search for a “filling tool”, i’ve released a floodfill extension for the Texture3D class on the wiki: TextureFloodFill
nice API. Will it also work for mobile?
Hello there. I d like to make a paint application in unity. it so simple game. just brush, brush size, colors and eraser. but I cant find a way to do it. I am a begineer on this program. I am a graphic designer. How can I contact you about this situation? Do you help me ?
Hi, my name is Eva and i been trying to find how to make a paint game with paintbucket, but i dont see anything. I want to now if you have any tips that helps me to develop this in unity. Thanks.
Hi, just in case you still search for a “filling tool”, i’ve released a floodfill extension for the Texture3D class on the wiki: TextureFloodFill