This pathfinding system is object based and does not work very good in all cases, use the A* Pathfinding system instead, although if you have simple environments you can still use it.

The Pathfinding-system is an easy to use script for the Unity game engine.
The script is built entirely in javascript and works in pro as well as indie.


Fast: It can handle large troops without any lag (depending of the complexity of the environment)
Flexible: No need for re-adjustment when adding a new object, it just works.
Debugging: Keep track of all paths in the editor.
Javascript: Easily changed code so you can make it meet your needs.




Version 0.5:

Added: Built the whole thing.
Known bugs: Can’t get around a large row of boxes (fixed in 0.9).

Version 0.9:

Added: Splitting paths
Added: Max number of points/paths/splits
Added: Advanced toggle (this makes the script test more things to get more accurate results)
Added: Script now operates over several frames, added delay option
Added: Nodes does now clamp to ground, added “clamp to ground” option
Added: “Near Dist” variable, ends the path when in a certain distance to the end.
Known bugs: Sometimes it goes into a loop and does not go forward any more (terminated after 3 iterations)


The Pathfinding project is distributed under the Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence (licence legal code or licence overview),
which in short says you can use the project for whatever you like if you credit me and don’t make money on it.

If you want to use it in commercial projects please contact me at aron[dot]g[at]me[dot]com.


So what are you waiting for? Download it now!


If you have any questions, you can just post them as a comment.


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