A* Pathfinding Project  4.3.8
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
RVOCoreSimulator.cs File Reference


interface  IAgent
 Exposes properties of an Agent class. More...
struct  IReadOnlySlice< T >
interface  ISimulator
class  Simulator
 Local Avoidance Simulator. More...
class  Simulator.Worker
 Worker thread for RVO simulation. More...
class  Simulator.WorkerContext


namespace  Pathfinding.RVO
 Local avoidance related classes.


using Thread = System.Threading.Thread
using ThreadStart = System.Threading.ThreadStart


enum  MovementPlane { XZ, XY }
 Plane which movement is primarily happening in. More...
enum  RVOLayer {
  DefaultAgent = 1 << 0, DefaultObstacle = 1 << 1, Layer2 = 1 << 2, Layer3 = 1 << 3,
  Layer4 = 1 << 4, Layer5 = 1 << 5, Layer6 = 1 << 6, Layer7 = 1 << 7,
  Layer8 = 1 << 8, Layer9 = 1 << 9, Layer10 = 1 << 10, Layer11 = 1 << 11,
  Layer12 = 1 << 12, Layer13 = 1 << 13, Layer14 = 1 << 14, Layer15 = 1 << 15,
  Layer16 = 1 << 16, Layer17 = 1 << 17, Layer18 = 1 << 18, Layer19 = 1 << 19,
  Layer20 = 1 << 20, Layer21 = 1 << 21, Layer22 = 1 << 22, Layer23 = 1 << 23,
  Layer24 = 1 << 24, Layer25 = 1 << 25, Layer26 = 1 << 26, Layer27 = 1 << 27,
  Layer28 = 1 << 28, Layer29 = 1 << 29, Layer30 = 1 << 30

Typedef Documentation

◆ Thread

using Thread = System.Threading.Thread

◆ ThreadStart

using ThreadStart = System.Threading.ThreadStart