Class ManagedState Extends IComponentData, IDisposable, ICloneable
Settings for agent movement that cannot be put anywhere else.
The Unity ECS in general wants everything in components to be unmanaged types. However, some things cannot be unmanaged types, for example delegates and interfaces. There are also other things like path references and node references which are not unmanaged types at the moment.
This component is used to store those things.
It can also be used for things that are not used often, and so are best kept out-of-band to avoid bloating the ECS chunks too much.
Public Methods
Public Static Methods
Make the AI follow the specified path.
Public Variables
Settings for when to recalculate the path.
True if gravity is enabled for this agent.
True if local avoidance is enabled for this agent.
Callback for when the agent starts to traverse an off-mesh link.
Calculates in which direction to move to follow the path.
Local avoidance settings.
Private/Protected Members
Clones the managed state for when an entity is duplicated.