Class GraphCollision
Handles collision checking for graphs.
Mostly used by grid based graphs
Public Methods
Returns true if the position is not obstructed.
Returns the position with the correct height.
Returns the position with the correct height.
Returns all hits when checking height for position.
Sets up several variables using the specified matrix and scale.
Returns if the position is obstructed for all nodes using the Ray collision checking method.
Public Variables
Toggle collision check.
Height above the ground that collision checks should be done.
Diameter of capsule or sphere when checking for collision.
The height to check from when checking height ('ray length' in the inspector).
Height of capsule or length of ray when checking for collision.
Toggle height check.
Layers to be included in the height check.
Layers to be treated as obstacles.
Direction of the ray when checking for collision.
Toggles thick raycast.
Diameter of the thick raycast in nodes.
Collision shape to use.
Make nodes unwalkable when no ground was found with the height raycast.
Direction to use as UP.
Public Static Variables
Offset to apply after each raycast to make sure we don't hit the same point again in CheckHeightAll.
Private/Protected Members
Used for 2D collision queries.
Just so that the Physics2D.OverlapPoint method has some buffer to store things in.