Class NavGraph Extends IGraphInternals
Base class for all graphs.
Public Methods
Lower bound on the squared distance from the given point to the closest node in this graph.
Public Variables
World bounding box for the graph.
Enable to draw gizmos in the Unity scene view.
Index of the graph, used for identification purposes.
Used as an ID of the graph, considered to be unique.
Used in the editor to check if the info screen is open.
Default penalty to apply to all nodes.
True if the graph has been scanned and contains nodes.
Name of the graph.
Is the graph open in the editor.
True if the graph will be included when serializing graph data.
True if the graph should be visible in the editor.
Private/Protected Members
Throws an exception if it is not safe to update internal graph data right now.
True if the graph exists, false if it has been destroyed.
Used in the Unity editor to store serialized settings for graph inspectors.
Deprecated Members
Returns the nearest node to a position using the specified NNConstraint.