Class MineBotAnimation Extends VersionedMonoBehaviour
Animation helper specifically made for the spider robot in the example scenes.
The spider robot (or mine-bot) which has been copied from the Unity Example Project can have this script attached to be able to pathfind around with animations working properly.
This script should be attached to a parent GameObject however since the original bot has Z+ as up. This component requires Z+ to be forward and Y+ to be up.
A movement script (e.g AIPath) must also be attached to the same GameObject to actually move the unit.
This script will forward the movement speed to the animator component (anim) using the following animator parameter:
NormalizedSpeed: Movement speed in world units, divided by MineBotAnimation.naturalSpeed and the character's scale. This will be 1 when the agent is moving at the natural speed, and 0 when it is standing still.
When the end of path is reached, if the endOfPathEffect is not null, it will be instantiated at the current position. However, a check will be done so that it won't spawn effects too close to the previous spawn-point.
Public Variables
Animator component.
Effect which will be instantiated when end of path is reached.
The natural movement speed is the speed that the animations are designed for.
Private/Protected Members
Called when the end of path has been reached.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.