Adds new geometry to a recast graph.

This component will add new geometry to a recast graph similar to how a NavmeshCut component removes it.
There are quite a few limitations to this component though. This navmesh geometry will not be connected to the rest of the navmesh in the same tile unless very exactly positioned so that the triangles line up exactly. It will be connected to neighbouring tiles if positioned so that it lines up with the tile border.
This component has a few very specific use-cases. For example if you have a tiled recast graph this component could be used to add bridges in that world. You would create a NavmeshCut object cutting out a hole for the bridge. then add a NavmeshAdd object which fills that space. Make sure NavmeshCut.CutsAddedGeom is disabled on the NavmeshCut, otherwise it will cut away the NavmeshAdd object. Then you can add links between the added geometry and the rest of the world, preferably using NodeLink3.
Public Methods
Forces this navmesh add to update the navmesh.
This update is not instant, it is done the next time it is checked if it needs updating.
Bounds in XZ space after transforming using the *inverse* transform of the inverseTransform parameter.
The transformation will typically transform the vertices to graph space and this is used to figure out which tiles the add intersects.
refInt3[] | vbuffer | Assumed to be either null or an array which has a length of zero or a power of two. If this mesh has more vertices than can fit in the buffer then the buffer will be pooled using Pathfinding.Util.ArrayPool.Release and a new sufficiently large buffer will be taken from the pool. |
out int[] | tbuffer | This will be set to the internal triangle buffer. You must not modify this array. |
Pathfinding.Util.GraphTransform | inverseTransform=null | All vertices will be transformed using the Pathfinding.GraphTransform.InverseTransform method. This is typically used to transform from world space to graph space. |
Copy the mesh to the vertex and triangle buffers after the vertices have been transformed using the inverse of the inverseTransform parameter.
Returns true if this object has moved so much that it requires an update.
When an update to the navmesh has been done, call NotifyUpdated to be able to get relavant output from this method again.
Public Variables
Custom mesh to use.
The contour(s) of the mesh will be extracted. If you get the "max perturbations" error when cutting with this, check the normals on the mesh. They should all point in the same direction. Try flipping them if that does not help.
rectangleSize = new Vector2(1, 1)
Size of the rectangle.
updateDistance = 0.4f
Distance between positions to require an update of the navmesh.
A smaller distance gives better accuracy, but requires more updates when moving the object over time, so it is often slower.
updateRotationDistance = 10
How many degrees rotation that is required for an update to the navmesh.
Should be between 0 and 180.
Includes rotation and scale in calculations.
This is slower since a lot more matrix multiplications are needed but gives more flexibility.
Public Static Variables
GizmoColor = new Color(154.0f/255, 35.0f/255, 239.0f/255)
Public Enums
Inherited Public Members
All navmesh clipper components in the scene.
Not ordered in any particular way.
Do not modify this list
Which graphs that are affected by this component.
You can use this to make a graph ignore a particular navmesh cut altogether.
Note that navmesh cuts can only affect navmesh/recast graphs.
If you change this field during runtime you must disable the component and enable it again for the changes to be detected.
Private/Protected Members
Internal method to notify the NavmeshAdd that it has just been used to update the navmesh.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
cached transform component
Cached triangles.
Cached vertices.