Base class for GridNode and LevelGridNode.
override void | AddConnection (GraphNode node, uint cost) |
| Add a connection from this node to the specified node. More...
override void | ClearConnections (bool alsoReverse) |
| Remove all connections from this node. More...
void | ClearCustomConnections (bool alsoReverse) |
| Same as ClearConnections, but does not clear grid connections, only custom ones (e.g added by AddConnection or a NodeLink component) More...
override bool | ContainsConnection (GraphNode node) |
| Checks if this node has a connection to the specified node. More...
override void | DeserializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Used to deserialize references to other nodes e.g connections. More...
override void | GetConnections (System.Action< GraphNode > action) |
| Calls the delegate with all connections from this node. More...
override int | GetGizmoHashCode () |
| Hash code used for checking if the gizmos need to be updated. More...
abstract GridNodeBase | GetNeighbourAlongDirection (int direction) |
| Adjacent grid node in the specified direction. More...
override void | Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) |
| Open the node. More...
override Vector3 | RandomPointOnSurface () |
| A random point on the surface of the node. More...
override void | RemoveConnection (GraphNode node) |
| Removes any connection from this node to the specified node. More...
override void | SerializeReferences (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Used to serialize references to other nodes e.g connections. More...
override float | SurfaceArea () |
| The surface area of the node in square world units. More...
override void | UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) |
virtual void | DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Deserializes the node data from a byte array. More...
void | Destroy () |
| Destroys the node. More...
virtual bool | GetPortal (GraphNode other, List< Vector3 > left, List< Vector3 > right, bool backwards) |
| Add a portal from this node to the specified node. More...
void | RecalculateConnectionCosts () |
| Recalculates a node's connection costs. More...
virtual void | SerializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) |
| Serialized the node data to a byte array. More...
void | SetConnectivityDirty () |
| Inform the system that the node's connectivity has changed. More...
abstract bool | HasConnectionsToAllEightNeighbours [get] |
| True if the node has grid connections to all its 8 neighbours. More...
int | NodeInGridIndex [get, set] |
| The index of the node in the grid. More...
bool | TmpWalkable [get, set] |
| Temporary variable used internally when updating the graph. More...
bool | WalkableErosion [get, set] |
| Stores walkability before erosion is applied. More...
int | XCoordinateInGrid [get] |
| X coordinate of the node in the grid. More...
int | ZCoordinateInGrid [get] |
| Z coordinate of the node in the grid. More...
uint | Area [get] |
| Connected component that contains the node. More...
bool | Destroyed [get] |
uint | Flags [get, set] |
| Holds various bitpacked variables. More...
NavGraph | Graph [get] |
| Graph which this node belongs to. More...
uint | GraphIndex [get, set] |
| Graph which contains this node. More...
int | HierarchicalNodeIndex [get, set] |
| Hierarchical Node that contains this node. More...
bool | IsHierarchicalNodeDirty [get, set] |
| Some internal bookkeeping. More...
int | NodeIndex [get, private set] |
| Internal unique index. More...
uint | Penalty [get, set] |
| Penalty cost for walking on this node. More...
uint | Tag [get, set] |
| Node tag. More...
bool | TemporaryFlag1 [get, set] |
| Temporary flag for internal purposes. More...
bool | TemporaryFlag2 [get, set] |
| Temporary flag for internal purposes. More...
bool | Walkable [get, set] |
| True if the node is traversable. More...
Used to deserialize references to other nodes e.g connections.
Use the GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeIdentifier and GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeFromIdentifier methods for serialization and deserialization respectively.
Nodes must override this method and serialize their connections. Graph generators do not need to call this method, it will be called automatically on all nodes at the correct time by the serializer.
Reimplemented from GraphNode.
Used to serialize references to other nodes e.g connections.
Use the GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeIdentifier and GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeFromIdentifier methods for serialization and deserialization respectively.
Nodes must override this method and serialize their connections. Graph generators do not need to call this method, it will be called automatically on all nodes at the correct time by the serializer.
Reimplemented from GraphNode.