Class LegacyRVOController Extends RVOController
RVO Character Controller.
Designed to be used as a drop-in replacement for the Unity Character Controller, it supports almost all of the same functions and fields with the exception that due to the nature of the RVO implementation, desired velocity is set in the Move function and is assumed to stay the same until something else is requested (as opposed to reset every frame).
For documentation of many of the variables of this class: refer to the Pathfinding.RVO.IAgent interface.
Requires an RVOSimulator in the scene
Use the RVOController class instead. This class only exists for compatibility reasons.
A* Pro Feature:
This is an A* Pathfinding Project Pro feature only. This function/class/variable might not exist in the Free version of the A* Pathfinding Project or the functionality might be limited.
The Pro version can be bought here
Public Methods
Public Variables
Layer mask for the ground.
Inherited Public Members
How far into the future to look for collisions with other agents (in seconds)
Direction and distance to move in a single frame to avoid obstacles.
Direction and distance to move in a single frame to avoid obstacles.
Center of the agent relative to the pivot point of this game object.
Layer mask specifying which layers this agent will avoid.
Enables drawing debug information in the scene view.
Height of the agent in world units.
Specifies the avoidance layer for this agent.
A locked unit cannot move.
Automatically set locked to true when desired velocity is approximately zero.
Max number of other agents to take into account.
Set the desired velocity for the agent.
Determines if the XY (2D) or XZ (3D) plane is used for movement.
How far into the future to look for collisions with obstacles (in seconds)
Current position of the agent.
How strongly other agents will avoid this agent.
Radius of the agent in world units.
Reference to the internal agent.
Set the normal of a wall (or something else) the agent is currently colliding with.
Set the target point for the agent to move towards.
Reference to the rvo simulator.
Converts a 3D vector to a 2D vector in the movement plane.
Converts a 3D vector to a 2D vector in the movement plane.
Converts a 2D vector in the movement plane as well as an elevation to a 3D coordinate.
Current calculated velocity of the agent.
Private/Protected Members
Cached reference to a movement script (if one is used)
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Cached tranform component.