A* Pathfinding Project  4.1.16
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
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Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CAPIUpgraderHelper for upgrading source code to use newer APIs
 CArrayPool< T >Lightweight Array Pool
 CAstarColorStores editor colors
 CAstarDataStores the navigation graphs for the A* Pathfinding System
 CAstarMathUtility functions for working with numbers and strings
 CAstarSerializerHandles low level serialization and deserialization of graph settings and data
 CAstarSplinesContains various spline functions
 CAstarUpdateCheckerHandles update checking for the A* Pathfinding Project
 CAstarWorkItemAn item of work that can be executed when graphs are safe to update
 CBinaryHeapBinary heap implementation
 CChecksumCalculates checksums of byte arrays
 CCompactVoxelCellCompactVoxelCell used for recast graphs
 CCompactVoxelSpanCompactVoxelSpan used for recast graphs
 CConnectionRepresents a connection to another node
 CTileHandler.CutInternal class describing a single NavmeshCut
 CTileHandler.CuttingResultInternal class representing a mesh which is the result of the CutPoly method
 CDefaultITraversalProviderConvenience class to access the default implementation of the ITraversalProvider
 CDrawHelper methods for drawing gizmos and debug lines
 CEditorGUILayoutxHandles fading effects and also some custom GUI functions such as LayerMaskField
 CEuclideanEmbeddingImplements heuristic optimizations
 CFadeAreaEditor helper for hiding and showing a group of GUI elements
 CFunnelImplements the funnel algorithm as well as various related methods
 CFunnel.FunnelPortalsFunnel in which the path to the target will be
 CGraphCollisionHandles collision checking for graphs
 CGraphEditorBaseDefined here only so non-editor classes can use the target field
 CGraphHitInfoReturned by graph ray- or linecasts containing info about the hit
 CGraphMetaMetadata for all graphs included in serialization
 CGraphNodeBase class for all nodes
 CGraphSerializationContextHolds information passed to custom graph serializers
 CPathProcessor.GraphUpdateLockPrevents pathfinding from running while held
 CGraphUpdateObjectRepresents a collection of settings used to update nodes in a specific region of a graph
 CGraphUpdateShapeDefines a shape for a Pathfinding.GraphUpdateObject
 CGraphUpdateUtilitiesContains useful functions for updating graphs
 CGraphUtilitiesContains utility methods for getting useful information out of graph
 CGridLookup< T >Holds a lookup datastructure to quickly find objects inside rectangles
 CGridLookup< Pathfinding.NavmeshClipper >
 CGuidSimple implementation of a GUID
 CGUIUtilityxSimple GUI utility functions
 CGraphUpdateProcessor.GUOSingleHolds a single update that needs to be performed on a graph
 CRetainedGizmos.HasherCombines hashes into a single hash value
 CIAgentExposes properties of an Agent class
 CIAstarAICommon interface for all movement scripts in the A* Pathfinding Project
 CIGraphInternalsExposes internal methods for graphs
 CIMovementPlaneTransforms to and from world space to a 2D movement plane
 CWorkItemProcessor.IndexedQueue< T >Similar to Queue<T> but allows random access
 CWorkItemProcessor.IndexedQueue< Pathfinding.AstarWorkItem >
 CIntRectInteger Rectangle
 CIPathInternalsUsed for hiding internal methods of the Path class
 CIPathModifierBase for all path modifiers
 CIRaycastableGraphGraph which supports the Linecast method
 CGridLookup< T >.Item
 CITransformGeneric 3D coordinate transformation
 CITransformedGraphGraph which has a well defined transformation from graph space to world space
 CITraversalProviderProvides additional traversal information to a path request
 CIUpdatableGraphGraphs which can be updated during runtime
 CIVersionedMonoBehaviourInternalExposes internal methods from Pathfinding.VersionedMonoBehaviour
 CIWorkItemContextInterface to expose a subset of the WorkItemProcessor functionality
 CLineORCA Line
 CLinkedLevelNodeInternal class used by the LayerGridGraph
 CListExtensionsExtension methods for List<T>
 CListPool< T >Lightweight List Pool
 CMemoryVarious utilities for handling arrays and memory
 CNNConstraintNearest node constraint
 CNNInfoResult of a nearest node query
 CNNInfoInternalInternal result of a nearest node query
 CRVOQuadtree.NodeNode in a quadtree for storing RVO agents
 CObjectPool< T >Lightweight object Pool for IAstarPooledObject
 CObjectPoolSimple< T >Lightweight object Pool
 CObstacleVertexOne vertex in an obstacle
 COptimizationHandlerHelper for enabling or disabling compiler directives
 CParallelWorkQueue< T >Helper for parallelizing tasks
 CPathEndingConditionCustomized ending condition for a path
 CPathHandlerHandles thread specific path data
 CPathInterpolatorInterpolates along a sequence of points
 CPathNodeStores temporary node data for a single pathfinding request
 CFunnel.PathPartPart of a path
 CPathPoolPools path objects to reduce load on the garbage collector
 CPathPool< T >Pools path objects to reduce load on the garbage collector
 CPathUtilitiesContains useful functions for working with paths and nodes
 CPointKDTreeRepresents a collection of GraphNodes
 CPolygonUtility functions for working with polygons, lines, and other vector math
 CProgressProgress info for e.g a progressbar
 CRasterizationMeshRepresents a mesh which will be rasterized
 CRecastBBTreeAxis Aligned Bounding Box Tree
 CRetainedGizmosHelper for drawing Gizmos in a performant way
 CGridLookup< T >.Root
 CRVOQuadtreeQuadtree for quick nearest neighbour search of rvo agents
 CSerializeSettingsHolds settings for how graphs should be serialized
 CSimulatorLocal Avoidance Simulator
 CStackPool< T >Lightweight Stack Pool
 CGridGraph.TextureDataUsed for using a texture as a source for a grid graph
 CThreadControlQueueQueue of paths to be processed by the system
 CTileHandlerUtility class for updating tiles of navmesh/recast graphs
 CTileHandler.TileTypeA template for a single tile in a navmesh/recast graph
 CTinyJsonDeserializerA very tiny json deserializer
 CTinyJsonSerializerA very tiny json serializer
 CBinaryHeap.TupleItem in the heap
 CAdvancedSmooth.TurnConstructorAbstract turn constructor
 CUtilityVarious utilities for voxel rasterization
 CVectorMathVarious vector math utility functions
 CAgent.VOVelocity Obstacle
 CAgent.VOBufferVery simple list
 CVoxelAreaStores a voxel field
 CVoxelCellVoxelCell used for recast graphs
 CVoxelContourVoxelContour used for recast graphs
 CVoxelContourSetVoxelContourSet used for recast graphs
 CVoxelizeVoxelizer for recast graphs
 CVoxelMeshVoxelMesh used for recast graphs
 CVoxelPolygonClipperUtility for clipping polygons
 CVoxelSpanVoxelSpan used for recast graphs
 CSimulator.WorkerWorker thread for RVO simulation