Public Attributes inherited from RandomPath |
Vector3 | aim |
| An aim can be used to guide the pathfinder to not take totally random paths. More...
float | aimStrength |
| If an aim is set, the higher this value is, the more it will try to reach aim. More...
int | searchLength |
| G score to stop searching at. More...
int | spread = 5000 |
| All G scores between searchLength and searchLength+spread are valid end points, a random one of them is chosen as the final point. More...
bool | calculatePartial |
| Calculate partial path if the target node cannot be reached. More...
GraphNode | endNode |
| End node of the path. More...
Vector3 | endPoint |
| End point of the path. More...
Vector3 | originalEndPoint |
| End Point exactly as in the path request. More...
Vector3 | originalStartPoint |
| Start Point exactly as in the path request. More...
Int3 | startIntPoint |
| Start point in integer coordinates. More...
GraphNode | startNode |
| Start node of the path. More...
Vector3 | startPoint |
| Start point of the path. More...
OnPathDelegate | callback |
| Callback to call when the path is complete. More...
int | enabledTags = -1 |
| Which graph tags are traversable. More...
Heuristic | heuristic |
| Determines which heuristic to use. More...
float | heuristicScale = 1F |
| Scale of the heuristic values. More...
OnPathDelegate | immediateCallback |
| Immediate callback to call when the path is complete. More...
NNConstraint | nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default |
| Constraint for how to search for nodes. More...
List< GraphNode > | path |
| Holds the path as a Node array. More...
ITraversalProvider | traversalProvider |
| Provides additional traversal information to a path request. More...
List< Vector3 > | vectorPath |
| Holds the (possibly post processed) path as a Vector3 list. More...
int [] | endNodeCosts |
| Saved original costs for the end node. More...
PathNode | partialBestTarget |
| Current best target for the partial path. More...
PathCompleteState | completeState |
| Backing field for CompleteState. More...
PathNode | currentR |
| The node currently being processed. More...
bool | hasBeenReset |
| True if the Reset function has been called. More...
Int3 | hTarget |
| Target to use for H score calculations. More...
GraphNode | hTargetNode |
| Target to use for H score calculation. More...
int [] | internalTagPenalties |
| The tag penalties that are actually used. More...
int [] | manualTagPenalties |
| Tag penalties set by other scripts. More...
PathHandler | pathHandler |
| Data for the thread calculating this path. More...
override string | DebugString (PathLog logMode) |
| Returns a debug string for this path. More...
override uint | GetConnectionSpecialCost (GraphNode a, GraphNode b, uint currentCost) |
| May be called by graph nodes to get a special cost for some connections. More...
uint | CalculateHScore (GraphNode node) |
| Estimated cost from the specified node to the target. More...
bool | CanTraverse (GraphNode node) |
| Returns if the node can be traversed. More...
void | FailWithError (string msg) |
| Causes the path to fail and sets errorLog to msg. More...
Int3 | GetHTarget () |
uint | GetTagPenalty (int tag) |
| Returns penalty for the given tag. More...
uint | GetTraversalCost (GraphNode node) |
void | Log (string msg) |
| Appends a message to the errorLog. More...
void | LogError (string msg) |
| Logs an error. More...
void | ReleaseSilent (System.Object o) |
| Releases the path silently (pooling). More...
float | duration |
| How long it took to calculate this path in milliseconds. More...
Path | next |
| Internal linked list implementation. More...
int | searchedNodes |
| Number of nodes this path has searched. More...
Properties inherited from RandomPath |
override bool | FloodingPath [get] |
override bool | hasEndPoint [get] |
virtual bool | hasEndPoint [get] |
| Determines if a search for an end node should be done. More...
PathCompleteState | CompleteState [get, protected set] |
| Current state of the path. More...
bool | error [get] |
| If the path failed, this is true. More...
string | errorLog [get, private set] |
| Additional info on why a path failed. More...
virtual bool | FloodingPath [get] |
| True for paths that want to search all nodes and not jump over nodes as optimizations. More...
PathHandler IPathInternals. | PathHandler [get] |
ushort | pathID [get, private set] |
| ID of this path. More...
PathState | PipelineState [get, private set] |
| Returns the state of the path in the pathfinding pipeline. More...
bool IPathInternals. | Pooled [get, set] |
| True if the path is currently pooled. More...
bool | recycled [get] |
| True if the path is currently recycled (i.e in the path pool). More...
int [] | tagPenalties [get, set] |
| Penalties for each tag. More...
PathHandler | PathHandler [get] |
bool | Pooled [get, set] |