A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
This is the complete list of members for BBTree, including all inherited members.
Clear() | BBTree | |
count | BBTree | private |
DrawDebugNode(TriangleMeshNode node, float yoffset, Color color) | BBTree | privatestatic |
DrawDebugRect(IntRect rect) | BBTree | privatestatic |
EnsureCapacity(int c) | BBTree | private |
EnsureNodeCapacity(int c) | BBTree | private |
GetBox(IntRect rect) | BBTree | private |
GetOrderedChildren(ref int first, ref int second, out float firstDist, out float secondDist, Vector3 p) | BBTree | private |
leafNodes | BBTree | private |
MaximumLeafSize | BBTree | private |
NodeBounds(int[] permutation, IntRect[] nodeBounds, int from, int to) | BBTree | privatestatic |
NodeIntersectsCircle(TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 p, float radius) | BBTree | privatestatic |
nodeLookup | BBTree | private |
OnDrawGizmos() | BBTree | |
OnDrawGizmos(int boxi, int depth) | BBTree | private |
OnEnterPool() | BBTree | private |
QueryClosest(Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint, out float distance) | BBTree | |
QueryClosest(Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint, ref float distance, NNInfoInternal previous) | BBTree | |
QueryClosestXZ(Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint, ref float distance, NNInfoInternal previous) | BBTree | |
QueryInside(Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint) | BBTree | |
RebuildFrom(TriangleMeshNode[] nodes) | BBTree | |
RebuildFromInternal(TriangleMeshNode[] nodes, int[] permutation, IntRect[] nodeBounds, int from, int to, bool odd) | BBTree | private |
RectIntersectsCircle(IntRect r, Vector3 p, float radius) | BBTree | privatestatic |
SearchBoxClosest(int boxi, Vector3 p, ref float closestSqrDist, NNConstraint constraint, ref NNInfoInternal nnInfo) | BBTree | private |
SearchBoxClosestXZ(int boxi, Vector3 p, ref float closestSqrDist, NNConstraint constraint, ref NNInfoInternal nnInfo) | BBTree | private |
SearchBoxInside(int boxi, Vector3 p, NNConstraint constraint) | BBTree | private |
Size | BBTree | |
SplitByX(TriangleMeshNode[] nodes, int[] permutation, int from, int to, int divider) | BBTree | privatestatic |
SplitByZ(TriangleMeshNode[] nodes, int[] permutation, int from, int to, int divider) | BBTree | privatestatic |
SquaredRectPointDistance(IntRect r, Vector3 p) | BBTree | privatestatic |
tree | BBTree | private |