A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
Assets | |
AstarPathfindingProject | |
Core | |
Editor | |
ExampleScenes | |
Generators | |
Modifiers | |
Navmesh | |
Pathfinders | |
RVO | |
Utilities | |
changelog.cs | |
ExtraDocPages | |
AccessingGraphData.cs | |
CallingPathfinding.cs | |
CompilerDirectives.cs | |
Documentation.cs | This file contains some of the documentation for the A* Pathfinding Project which couldn't be placed directly in the sourcecode |
Examples.cs | |
extending.cs | |
FAQ.cs | |
FastFacts.cs | This file contains some of the documentation for the A* Pathfinding Project which couldn't be placed directly in the sourcecode |
GetStarted.cs | |
GetStarted2.cs | |
GraphTypes.cs | |
heuristic-optimization.cs | |
iphone.cs | |
javascript.cs | |
LocalAvoidance-Colliders.cs | |
LocalAvoidance.cs | |
ModifierGuidelines.cs | |
navmeshcutting.cs | |
Optimization.cs | |
Pooling.cs | |
RelevantClasses.cs | |
SaveLoadGraphs.cs | |
tags.cs | |
ToDo.cs | Lists some stuff left to do on the project as well as ideas for new features |
updatingGraphs.cs | |
upgrading.cs | |
UsingModifiers.cs | |
WritingGraphGenerators.cs | |
WritingModifiers.cs |