Class Funnel


Implements the funnel algorithm as well as various related methods.


Usually you do not use this class directly. Instead use the FunnelModifier component.

using UnityEngine;
using Pathfinding;
using Pathfinding.Drawing;

public class FunnelExample : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform target = null;

void Update () {
var path = ABPath.Construct(transform.position, target.position);


// Apply some default adjustments to the path
// not necessary if you are using the Seeker component
new StartEndModifier().Apply(path);

// Split the path into segments and links
var parts = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(path);
// Optionally simplify the path to make it straighter
var nodes = path.path;
Funnel.Simplify(parts, ref nodes);

using (Draw.WithLineWidth(2)) {
// Go through all the parts and draw them in the scene view
for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) {
var part = parts[i];
if (part.type == Funnel.PartType.OffMeshLink) {
// Draw off-mesh links as a single line
Draw.Line(part.startPoint, part.endPoint, Color.cyan);
} else {
// Calculate the shortest path through the funnel
var portals = Funnel.ConstructFunnelPortals(nodes, part);
var pathThroghPortals = Funnel.Calculate(portals, splitAtEveryPortal: false);
In the image you can see the output from the code example above. The cyan lines represent off-mesh links.

Inner Types

Funnel in which the path to the target will be.

Part of a path.

Public Static Methods

Calculate (...)

Calculate the shortest path through the funnel.

ConstructFunnelPortals (nodes, part)
Simplify (..., nodes, ...)

Splits the path into a sequence of parts which are either off-mesh links or sequences of adjacent triangles.

Public Static Variables

Public Static
Public Static

Public Enums


The type of a PathPart.


Private/Protected Members

True if b is to the left of or on the line from (0,0) to a.

RemoveBacktracking (nodes, listStartIndex, aroundIndex)

Removes backtracking in the path.

True if b is to the right of or on the line from (0,0) to a.

Unwrap (leftPortal, rightPortal, leftUnwrappedPortal, rightUnwrappedPortal, point, sideMultiplier, projectionAxis)