Namespace Util


Lightweight Array Pool.

Helper for batching updates to many objects efficiently.

Calculates checksums of byte arrays.

Implements an efficient circular buffer that can be appended to in both directions.

Some editor gui helper methods.

Defines a transformation from graph space to world space.

Simple implementation of a GUID.

Transforms to and from world space to a 2D movement plane.

Generic 3D coordinate transformation.

Extension methods for List<T>

Lightweight List Pool.

Various utilities for handling arrays and memory.

Helper class for working with meshes efficiently.

Implements an efficient circular buffer that can be appended to in both directions.

A variant of SimpleMovementPlane that can be passed to burst functions.

Combines hashes into a single hash value.

Lightweight object Pool for IAstarPooledObject.

Lightweight object Pool.

Interpolates along a sequence of points.

Prevents code stripping.

A promise that T is being calculated asynchronously.

Represents the orientation of a plane.

A tiny slab allocator.

Lightweight Stack Pool.

A matrix wrapper which can be used to project points from world space to a movement plane.

A matrix wrapper which can be used to project points from a movement plane to world space.

Replacement for System.Span which is compatible with earlier versions of C#.