A* Pathfinding Project  4.3.7
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
CommandBuilder Member List

This is the complete list of members for CommandBuilder, including all inherited members.

Add< T >(T value)CommandBuilder
Bezier(float3 a, float3 b, Color color)CommandBuilder
Box(float3 center, float3 size)CommandBuilder
Build(RetainedGizmos gizmos, Hasher hasher, NativeArray< UnsafeAppendBuffer > buffers, Camera camera, bool isGizmos)CommandBuilderpackagestatic
CameraDepthToPixelSize(Camera camera)CommandBuilderstatic
CircleXZ(float3 center, float radius, float startAngle=0f, float endAngle=2 *Mathf.PI)CommandBuilder
CircleXZ(float3 center, float radius, Color color, float startAngle=0f, float endAngle=2 *Mathf.PI)CommandBuilder
Command enum nameCommandBuilder
CommandBuilder(RetainedGizmos gizmos, Hasher hasher, RedrawScope redrawScope, bool isGizmos)CommandBuilder
CrossXZ(float3 position, Color color, float size=1)CommandBuilder
Cylinder(float3 bottom, float3 top, float radius, Color color)CommandBuilder
Cylinder(float3 position, float3 up, float height, float radius, Color color)CommandBuilder
InLocalSpace(Transform transform)CommandBuilder
Line(float3 a, float3 b)CommandBuilder
Line(float3 a, float3 b, Color color)CommandBuilder
Mesh(Vector3[] vertices, List< int > triangles, Color[] colors)CommandBuilder
Polyline(List< Vector3 > points, Color color, bool cycle=false)CommandBuilder
PushColor(Color color)CommandBuilder
PushMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix)CommandBuilder
PushSetMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix)CommandBuilder
Ray(float3 origin, float3 direction)CommandBuilder
Ray(float3 origin, float3 direction, Color color)CommandBuilder
Ray(Ray ray)CommandBuilder
Ray(Ray ray, Color color)CommandBuilder
Reserve(int additionalSpace)CommandBuilder
Reserve< A >()CommandBuilder
Reserve< A, B >()CommandBuilder
Reserve< A, B, C >()CommandBuilder
WireCube(float3 center, float3 size, Color color)CommandBuilder
WireCube(Bounds bounds, Color color)CommandBuilder
WithColor(Color color)CommandBuilder
WithMatrix(Matrix4x4 matrix)CommandBuilder