Namespace ECS




An agent's shape represented as a cylinder.

Holds an agent's movement plane.

Holds information about an off-mesh link that the agent is currently traversing.

Holds an agents destination point.

Disposes a GCHandle when the job executes.

Utility for efficient random access to entity component data from the main thread.

Copies MovementControl to ResolvedMovement when no local avoidance is used.

Agent state related to gravity.

Holds managed information about an off-mesh link that the agent is currently traversing.

Utility for efficient random access to managed entity component data from the main thread.

Desired movement for an agent.

Tag component to enable movement for an entity.

Holds the final movement data for an entity.

Tag component to enable syncing between an agent's Transform and the agent entity's position.

Tag component to enable syncing between an agent's Transform and the agent entity's rotation.

Public Enums


How to calculate which direction is "up" for the agent.