This is the complete list of members for AIBase, including all inherited members.
accumulatedMovementDelta | AIBase | private |
ApplyGravity(float deltaTime) | AIBase | protected |
Awake() | VersionedMonoBehaviour | protectedvirtual |
CalculateDeltaToMoveThisFrame(Vector2 position, float distanceToEndOfPath, float deltaTime) | AIBase | protected |
CalculatePathRequestEndpoints(out Vector3 start, out Vector3 end) | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
CancelCurrentPathRequest() | AIBase | protected |
canMove | AIBase | |
canSearch | AIBase | |
centerOffset | AIBase | |
centerOffsetCompatibility | AIBase | private |
ClampToNavmesh(Vector3 position, out bool positionChanged) | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
ClearPath() | AIBase | protectedpure virtual |
controller | AIBase | protected |
desiredVelocity | AIBase | |
destination | AIBase | |
destinationBackingField | AIBase | private |
enableRotation | AIBase | |
endReachedDistance | AIBase | |
FinalizeMovement(Vector3 nextPosition, Quaternion nextRotation) | AIBase | virtual |
FinalizePosition(Vector3 nextPosition) | AIBase | private |
FinalizeRotation(Quaternion nextRotation) | AIBase | private |
FindComponents() | AIBase | virtual |
GetFeetPosition() | AIBase | virtual |
gravity | AIBase | |
groundMask | AIBase | |
height | AIBase | |
Init() | AIBase | private |
isStopped | AIBase | |
lastDeltaPosition | AIBase | protected |
lastDeltaTime | AIBase | protected |
lastRepath | AIBase | protected |
maxSpeed | AIBase | |
Move(Vector3 deltaPosition) | AIBase | virtual |
movementPlane | AIBase | |
MovementUpdate(float deltaTime, out Vector3 nextPosition, out Quaternion nextRotation) | AIBase | |
MovementUpdateInternal(float deltaTime, out Vector3 nextPosition, out Quaternion nextRotation) | AIBase | protectedpure virtual |
OnDisable() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawGizmos() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
OnDrawGizmosSelected() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
OnEnable() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
OnPathComplete(Path newPath) | AIBase | protectedpure virtual |
onSearchPath | AIBase | |
OnUpdate(AIBase[] components, int count, BatchedEvents.Event ev) | AIBase | privatestatic |
OnUpdate(float dt) | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
OnUpgradeSerializedData(int version, bool unityThread) | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
orientation | AIBase | |
position | AIBase | |
prevFrame | AIBase | protected |
prevPosition1 | AIBase | protected |
prevPosition2 | AIBase | protected |
radius | AIBase | |
RaycastPosition(Vector3 position, float lastElevation) | AIBase | protected |
reachedDestination | AIBase | |
repathRate | AIBase | |
Reset() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
ResetShape() | AIBase | private |
rigid | AIBase | protected |
rigid2D | AIBase | protected |
rotation | AIBase | |
rotationIn2D | AIBase | |
rvoController | AIBase | protected |
rvoDensityBehavior | AIBase | |
SearchPath() | AIBase | virtual |
seeker | AIBase | protected |
SetPath(Path path) | AIBase | |
ShapeGizmoColor | AIBase | static |
shouldRecalculatePath | AIBase | protected |
simulatedPosition | AIBase | protected |
simulatedRotation | AIBase | protected |
SimulateRotationTowards(Vector3 direction, float maxDegrees) | AIBase | |
SimulateRotationTowards(Vector2 direction, float maxDegrees) | AIBase | protected |
Start() | AIBase | protectedvirtual |
startHasRun | AIBase | private |
target | AIBase | |
targetCompatibility | AIBase | private |
Teleport(Vector3 newPosition, bool clearPath=true) | AIBase | virtual |
tr | AIBase | protected |
updatePosition | AIBase | |
updateRotation | AIBase | |
UpdateVelocity() | AIBase | protected |
usingGravity | AIBase | protected |
velocity | AIBase | |
velocity2D | AIBase | protected |
verticalVelocity | AIBase | protected |
waitingForPathCalculation | AIBase | protected |
whenCloseToDestination | AIBase | |