A* Pathfinding Project  4.1.10
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
AstarMath Member List

This is the complete list of members for AstarMath, including all inherited members.

Abs(float a)AstarMathstatic
Abs(int a)AstarMathstatic
Bit(int a, int b)AstarMathprivatestatic
Clamp(float a, float b, float c)AstarMathstatic
Clamp(int a, int b, int c)AstarMathstatic
Clamp01(float a)AstarMathstatic
Clamp01(int a)AstarMathstatic
ComputeVertexHash(int x, int y, int z)AstarMathstatic
CubicBezier(Vector3 p0, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2, Vector3 p3, float t)AstarMathstatic
DistancePointSegment(int x, int z, int px, int pz, int qx, int qz)AstarMathstatic
DistancePointSegment(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 p)AstarMathstatic
DistancePointSegment2(int x, int z, int px, int pz, int qx, int qz)AstarMathstatic
DistancePointSegment2(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 p)AstarMathstatic
DistancePointSegmentStrict(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 p)AstarMathstatic
FormatBytes(int bytes)AstarMathstatic
FormatBytesBinary(int bytes)AstarMathstatic
Hermite(float start, float end, float value)AstarMathstatic
HSVToRGB(float h, float s, float v)AstarMathstatic
IntToColor(int i, float a)AstarMathstatic
Lerp(float a, float b, float t)AstarMathstatic
MagnitudeXZ(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)AstarMathstatic
MapTo(float startMin, float startMax, float value)AstarMathstatic
MapTo(float startMin, float startMax, float targetMin, float targetMax, float value)AstarMathstatic
MapToRange(float targetMin, float targetMax, float value)AstarMathstatic
Max(float a, float b)AstarMathstatic
Max(int a, int b)AstarMathstatic
Max(uint a, uint b)AstarMathstatic
Max(ushort a, ushort b)AstarMathstatic
Min(float a, float b)AstarMathstatic
Min(int a, int b)AstarMathstatic
Min(uint a, uint b)AstarMathstatic
NearestPoint(Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, Vector3 point)AstarMathstatic
NearestPointFactor(Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, Vector3 point)AstarMathstatic
NearestPointFactor(Int3 lineStart, Int3 lineEnd, Int3 point)AstarMathstatic
NearestPointFactor(Int2 lineStart, Int2 lineEnd, Int2 point)AstarMathstatic
NearestPointStrict(Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, Vector3 point)AstarMathstatic
NearestPointStrictXZ(Vector3 lineStart, Vector3 lineEnd, Vector3 point)AstarMathstatic
Repeat(int i, int n)AstarMathstatic
RoundToInt(float v)AstarMathstatic
RoundToInt(double v)AstarMathstatic
Sign(float a)AstarMathstatic
Sign(int a)AstarMathstatic
SqrMagnitudeXZ(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)AstarMathstatic