Moves the nodes in this graph.
Multiplies all node positions by deltaMatrix.
For example if you want to move all your nodes in e.g a point graph 10 units along the X axis from the initial position var graph = AstarPath.data.pointGraph;
var m = Matrix4x4.TRS (new Vector3(10,0,0), Quaternion.identity, Vector3.one);
graph.RelocateNodes (m);
NoteFor grid graphs, navmesh graphs and recast graphs it is recommended to use their custom overloads of the RelocateNodes method which take parameters for e.g center and nodeSize (and additional parameters) instead since they are both easier to use and are less likely to mess up pathfinding.
WarningThis method is lossy for PointGraphs, so calling it many times may cause node positions to lose precision. For example if you set the scale to 0 in one call then all nodes will be scaled/moved to the same point and you will not be able to recover their original positions. The same thing happens for other - less extreme - values as well, but to a lesser degree.