Function NavmeshAdd.GetMesh
Copy the mesh to the vertex and triangle buffers after the vertices have been transformed using the inverse of the inverseTransform parameter.
void GetMesh (
refInt3[] | vbuffer | Assumed to be either null or an array which has a length of zero or a power of two. If this mesh has more vertices than can fit in the buffer then the buffer will be pooled using Pathfinding.Pooling.ArrayPool.Release and a new sufficiently large buffer will be taken from the pool. |
out int[] | tbuffer | This will be set to the internal triangle buffer. You must not modify this array. |
out int | vertexCount | This will be set to the number of vertices in the vertex buffer. |
inverseTransform=null | All vertices will be transformed using the Pathfinding.GraphTransform.InverseTransform method. This is typically used to transform from world space to graph space. |
Copy the mesh to the vertex and triangle buffers after the vertices have been transformed using the inverse of the inverseTransform parameter.