Class PointNode Extends GraphNode
Node used for the PointGraph.
This is just a simple point with a list of connections (and associated costs) to other nodes. It does not have any concept of a surface like many other node types.
Public Methods
Add a connection from this node to the specified node.
Public Variables
All connections from this node.
GameObject this node was created from (if any).
Inherited Public Members
Connected component that contains the node.
The position of the path node during the search.
Holds various bitpacked variables.
Graph which this node belongs to.
Graph which contains this node.
Max number of graphs-1.
Max number of tags - 1.
Internal unique index.
Penalty cost for walking on this node.
Node tag.
True if the node is traversable.
Position of the node in world space.
Private/Protected Members
Hierarchical Node that contains this node.
Some internal bookkeeping.
How many path node variants should be created for each node.
Temporary flag for internal purposes.
Temporary flag for internal purposes.
Bitpacked field holding several pieces of data.