Class MecanimBridge Extends VersionedMonoBehaviour
Example of how to use Mecanim with the included movement scripts.
This script will use Mecanim to apply root motion to move the character instead of allowing the movement script to do the movement.
It assumes that the Mecanim controller uses 3 input variables
InputMagnitude which is simply 1 when the character should be moving and 0 when it should stop.
X which is component of the desired movement direction along the left/right axis.
Y which is component of the desired movement direction along the forward/backward axis.
It works with AIPath and RichAI.
Public Variables
Private/Protected Members
Cached reference to the movement script.
Cached Animator component.
Calculate position of the currently grounded foot.
Cached reference to the left and right feet.
Handle serialization backwards compatibility.
Position of the left and right feet during the previous frame.
Calculates a rotation closer to the desired direction.
Cached Transform component.
Update is called once per frame.