A* Pathfinding Project
The A* Pathfinding Project for Unity 3D
This is the complete list of members for MeshNode, including all inherited members.
AddConnection(GraphNode node, uint cost) | MeshNode | virtual |
Area | GraphNode | |
ClearConnections(bool alsoReverse) | MeshNode | virtual |
ClosestPointOnNode(Vector3 p) | MeshNode | pure virtual |
ClosestPointOnNodeXZ(Vector3 p) | MeshNode | pure virtual |
connectionCosts | MeshNode | |
connections | MeshNode | |
ContainsConnection(GraphNode node) | MeshNode | virtual |
ContainsPoint(Int3 p) | MeshNode | virtual |
DeserializeNode(GraphSerializationContext ctx) | GraphNode | virtual |
DeserializeReferences(GraphSerializationContext ctx) | MeshNode | virtual |
Destroy() | GraphNode | |
Destroyed | GraphNode | |
Flags | GraphNode | |
flags | GraphNode | protected |
FloodFill(Stack< GraphNode > stack, uint region) | MeshNode | virtual |
GetConnections(GraphNodeDelegate del) | MeshNode | virtual |
GetPortal(GraphNode other, List< Vector3 > left, List< Vector3 > right, bool backwards) | GraphNode | virtual |
GetVertex(int i) | MeshNode | pure virtual |
GetVertexCount() | MeshNode | pure virtual |
GraphIndex | GraphNode | |
GraphNode(AstarPath astar) | GraphNode | protected |
MaxAreaIndex | GraphNode | |
MaxGraphIndex | GraphNode | |
MeshNode(AstarPath astar) | MeshNode | protected |
NodeIndex | GraphNode | |
Open(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) | GraphNode | pure virtual |
Penalty | GraphNode | |
position | GraphNode | |
RecalculateConnectionCosts() | GraphNode | virtual |
RemoveConnection(GraphNode node) | MeshNode | virtual |
SerializeNode(GraphSerializationContext ctx) | GraphNode | virtual |
SerializeReferences(GraphSerializationContext ctx) | MeshNode | virtual |
Tag | GraphNode | |
UpdateG(Path path, PathNode pathNode) | GraphNode | |
UpdateRecursiveG(Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) | MeshNode | virtual |
Walkable | GraphNode |