This is the complete list of members for ConstantPath, including all inherited members.
AdvanceState(PathState s) | Path | |
allNodes | ConstantPath | |
CalculateHScore(GraphNode node) | Path | |
CalculateStep(long targetTick) | ConstantPath | virtual |
callback | Path | |
callTime | Path | |
CanTraverse(GraphNode node) | Path | |
Claim(System.Object o) | Path | |
Cleanup() | ConstantPath | virtual |
CompleteState | Path | |
ConstantPath() | ConstantPath | |
ConstantPath(Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) | ConstantPath | |
ConstantPath(Vector3 start, int maxGScore, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) | ConstantPath | |
Construct(Vector3 start, int maxGScore, OnPathDelegate callback=null) | ConstantPath | static |
currentR | Path | protected |
DebugString(PathLog logMode) | Path | virtual |
duration | Path | |
enabledTags | Path | |
endingCondition | ConstantPath | |
Error() | Path | |
error | Path | |
errorLog | Path | |
FloodingPath | ConstantPath | |
ForceLogError(string msg) | Path | |
GetConnectionSpecialCost(GraphNode a, GraphNode b, uint currentCost) | Path | virtual |
GetHTarget() | Path | |
GetState() | Path | |
GetTagPenalty(int tag) | Path | |
GetTotalLength() | Path | |
GetTraversalCost(GraphNode node) | Path | |
hasBeenReset | Path | protected |
HasExceededTime(int searchedNodes, long targetTime) | Path | protected |
height | Path | |
heuristic | Path | |
heuristicScale | Path | |
hTarget | Path | protected |
hTargetNode | Path | protected |
immediateCallback | Path | |
Initialize() | ConstantPath | virtual |
internalTagPenalties | Path | protected |
IsDone() | Path | |
Log(string msg) | Path | |
LogError(string msg) | Path | |
manualTagPenalties | Path | protected |
maxFrameTime | Path | protected |
next | Path | |
nnConstraint | Path | |
OnEnterPool() | ConstantPath | virtual |
originalStartPoint | ConstantPath | |
path | Path | |
pathHandler | Path | |
pathID | Path | |
Prepare() | ConstantPath | virtual |
PrepareBase(PathHandler pathHandler) | Path | |
radius | Path | |
Recycle() | ConstantPath | protectedvirtual |
recycled | Path | |
Release(System.Object o) | Path | |
ReleaseSilent(System.Object o) | Path | |
Reset() | ConstantPath | virtual |
ReturnPath() | Path | virtual |
searchedNodes | Path | |
searchIterations | Path | |
Setup(Vector3 start, int maxGScore, OnPathDelegate callback) | ConstantPath | protected |
speed | Path | |
startNode | ConstantPath | |
startPoint | ConstantPath | |
tagPenalties | Path | |
Trace(PathNode from) | Path | protectedvirtual |
turnRadius | Path | |
vectorPath | Path | |
WaitForPath() | Path | |
walkabilityMask | Path | |