Function NavmeshAdd.GetMesh

GetMesh (refInt3[] vbuffer, out int[] tbuffer, out int vertexCount, Pathfinding.Util.GraphTransform inverseTransform=null)

Copy the mesh to the vertex and triangle buffers after the vertices have been transformed using the inverse of the inverseTransform parameter.

void GetMesh (



Assumed to be either null or an array which has a length of zero or a power of two. If this mesh has more vertices than can fit in the buffer then the buffer will be pooled using Pathfinding.Pooling.ArrayPool.Release and a new sufficiently large buffer will be taken from the pool.

out int[]


This will be set to the internal triangle buffer. You must not modify this array.

out int


This will be set to the number of vertices in the vertex buffer.



All vertices will be transformed using the Pathfinding.GraphTransform.InverseTransform method. This is typically used to transform from world space to graph space.


Copy the mesh to the vertex and triangle buffers after the vertices have been transformed using the inverse of the inverseTransform parameter.